Yes, for me, it's already the weekend. Today is the last day of my "use it or lose it" work vacation allotment and this time I was caught up enough at work that I don't think there will be a disaster in my absence (or that I'll come back to find that I have to work my ass off making up for the time off over the next week). I have the kids this weekend and no exceptional plans.
I want to:
- Publish the two chapters of Wall Verse I was supposed to have posted on Tuesday and Thursday. (Actually, I already did that this morning, so yay me!)
- Finalize chapters 29 and 30 of MBU with Meanie's version.
- Post chapter 28 to FFN
- Create a masterlist for MBU on my LJ that links/points to Meanie's masterlist.
- Beta a TNG story I was sent earlier this week
- Schedule the next set of appointments for my son's therapy
- Rewrite yesterday's Petlar smut "Performance" so Sylar comes first (this is important, people! If he doesn't leave Peter wanting, then Sylar won't feel guilty later, and I need that guilt!)
- Continue pecking away at listing everything my ex and I have accumulated over 17 years of marriage. I have a spreadsheet, but I get easily discouraged from this.
- Bake muffins
- Fold laundry (my son volunteered himself for this task by getting up in the middle of a school night and playing on the computer. I caught him because I got up about ten minutes before my alarm went off. Usually, he hears my alarm go off and he sneaks off up the stairs. I gotta put that motion detector up again! But in the meantime, he's banned from the computer over the weekend and will be tasked with all the grunt work I can manage to get him to do)
- Pay bills, play D&D
- Water all the plants and trees outside. It's supposed to rain today, but it was supposed to rain yesterday and it's been so freaking dry around here that I'm really worried for my fruit trees. Anyway, hauling the hose around is another excellent task for my disobedient son!
- Rewatch Heroes, "The Eclipse, Part 2" on Sunday at 4 pm.