Stupid Work Cr*p

Oct 25, 2024 11:55

New buzzword from work: planful. As in, “You need to be planful and prioritize time between 11/1 and 11/15….”

The OED swears it’s a real word but only occurs 0.04 times per million words in modern written English.

I came across it while going over instructions on upcoming annual employee evaluations. The company has popularity contests, I mean peer reviews as part of it. I was asked to review someone I hardly interact with, and I don’t see their work product, so I don’t feel qualified to offer opinions. I found it kind of alarming that their manager wouldn’t know that.

Curmudgeon forgot to bag tortilla chips to go with his bean dip today and forgot his red bell pepper snacks. Poor hungry bear!

curmudgeon, work

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