Round#03: Info&Themes

Aug 10, 2010 12:33

Welcome to Round #03, bbs! Let's get started!


- All icons must be newly made for this round & fit LJ standards.
- Submit your entries as a new post to this community.
- If you want to post at your own journal (which is encouraged), post 3 teaser icons and link here.
- Make sure your entry to your icon journal is public until the winners are posted.
- Use the table provided please.
- You may change the colours of course but keep the themes in order.
- Everyone will recieve a participation banner
- I'll be putting in the tags manually after you submit your entry so you don't have to worry about it. ^_^
- Put Round # - your claim in the subject of your entry.
- Everything must be completed by the 30th August 2010 by 11:59 PM in your time zone.


(10) Themes: blend*, lyrical*, my ship*, bff, pissed off*, with fan*, hand gestures*, cry, touch, texture* 
(5) Category: Rainbow (each icon should have a different colour as the MAIN focus*)
(5) Artist's Choice: this set is up to you!

*blend - two images must be blended into one, either of your gal, or someone else with her. eg.1 // eg.2 (both by moi)
*lyrical - icon must contain at least THREE consecutive words from a song of your choice
*my ship - your fav. REAL LIFE ship of your gal
*pissed off - your gal must be angry or annoyed in some way in this icon
*with fan - must have your gal with a fan
*hand gestures - must be doing something with her hands eg.1 // eg.2 (both by moi)
*texture - yes, I know we had this before but I LOVED how creative you all got. You have a choice of THREE this time, please use one! It must be recognisable, but feel free to change the colours use others on top!
01 // 02 // 03 (all by moi)

Any questions? Feel free to ask!

Table to use:

blendlyricalmy ship bffpissed off
with fanhand gesturescrytouchtexture



Round #03 is now OFFICIALLY open! Good luck, guys! ^_-

info&themes: round#03