This has been my revision pile for the past month. After each subject was done I moved its books and folders to the bottom of the pile, and now, finally, every single subject has past. Theoretically, I should know all of that stuff, but I'm sure I have forgotten about 80% of it. Yay, the education system works.
I had my last exam today, which was the same day that brother got his exam results (ironic, in some kind of way). He got a Class II division I, which is under a Class I (the highest grade you can get). So I think it equates to a B, and he is really happy with it, because he completely thought he was going to fail and wouldn't be going back next year.
So, to celebrate in a weird way, I'm going to post a picspam of a botannical gardens I visited on Sunday. Weird, but it makes me happy.
The gardens was on Bateman Street. Ironic seeing as I am reading American Psycho.
Inside one of the glass houses
A pretty plant, whose name I never knew, and unsurprisingly, now escapes me.
Gorgeous, pink, fuzzy, tropical thing.
A bench suffering from some kind of hostile-ivy-takeover.
A giant rose that was surrounded by petals and daisies. Aww...
Poppies - when we were kids, my mum would repeatedly tell my brother and I not to go near poppies, or we'd die (on account of the opium I think). I'm not sure why she told us this, but I was afraid of poppies for a long time.
A canopy o' trees
Because who doesn't love reflected skies in a pond full of waterlillies?
Ducks in said pond
Apparently the sun fell into the pond while I was taking this one...hmm...
I don't what these are, but they looked awesome.
Well that's all from me, but thanks to all you for putting up with me this last month. Hopefully I'll be able to regain some normality around here, and make it up to all of you ♥♥