stupid snot......

Oct 01, 2007 18:46

I feel sick. i think i have a cold.
stupid runny nose *shakes fist*

I'm back at work again. but so far i only have today on this week. it has me some what worried, although the boss man will most likely start shuffeling the roster around once more apon his return.

I worked satday and sunday (sorry about missing the shin-dig guys), which means i'll have money for rent. probely not much for anything else, but it could be worse. Its a good thing I've saved some money. that should keep me out of trouble for a little while.

The randomness of my shifts is starting to drive me nuts (more so then normal that is), that and I would like a bit more cash to throw around. blugh. so far i've thought of these options:
1. i continue on as casual, and try and pick up more shifts else where. on of the suporvisors went in for a transfer and said she'd give me a call if she needed someone. but this dosen't stabelize my shifts at all.

2. i go perminet/part time. which means anlual leave and sick leave, but also means a $5 an hour pay cut and me having to work a minamun five days a week to keep my booty out of hot water.

3. find work else were. Which i've started to do to a degree. asked care bear's best mate shells if she could keep an ear out for me at her work. also one of my suporvisors mentioned that hotel reception is always looking for staff. aparently they cant keep people there. and most hotels have the problem and most are willing to train.

i still haven't figure out the best cause of action as yet.

we had lady nemisi and care bears brother, smellie over this weekend. smellie made pancakes. gods they were good. and they help out around the house a little too, which was nice.
Since the boss man isn't back till thrusday, i am giving you a tentive yes JJ, to going to hillsvill sanctuary. is it okay if i confirm properly last min wednesday?
I was going to post photos, but once again the internets is being a pain. It maybe a while before i can get any photos up. grr.

apparently the paran doll show has an 70's - 80's theam this year. i want to make the dress that sarah wears in the ballroom secne in labrynth. but i don't think i'm going to have the time. besides, i don't have a boy to dress as jareth :D cant have labrynth without jarth :D

and i was thinking perhaps the 3rd of november for Phantom of the opra. a matinai perhaps? they are a little cheeper than an evening show if i remember corectly.
happy 21st to hattie for friday last week. (platapusery!!!)
big hugs to care bear.

and one final thing


work, sick

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