Went to the zoo today with Jay Jay, Milly, Michelle and Hattie.
So much fun!
One of my favirot animals ended up being the tree kangaroos and the red pandas. I ended up getting a small red panda plushy, who i called Alister, after Alister Crowly (for some odd reason). Hattie bought and itty bitty white tiger in a bag and Jay Jay bought a peacock. And Michelle bought a platapus. I want to go back and get a tree kangaroo.
Other cool animals were Mearkats, zebras, a rolling asian elephant (she was having a dust bath), red tailed black cockotoos, orangutangs, Ulasis buterflys (which were the most beatiful blue ever) and a crazy iguna that looked like it wanted to eat small childern. Muhaha ha ha killer iguana!!!
It was raining on and off, so we would duck into the reptail house, frog house and butterfly house as we went and it ended up working out rather well. the only animals we ended up missing were the seals, the otters (i was rather disapointed about that) and the pigmy hippos.
Other than that (and spending WAY too much money) it was a delightful day, with some truly wonderful people. And i look forward to more like it.
Also, my house from across the bass stright made Celeste a beatiful blue cravat! *squeals like a rabid fan girl* It is love. Thank you Care Bear!
I've also decided which two dolls i would dearly like for Annaliese and Amon
this lovly lady is from muse doll. unfortunatly i'm way to late for one of the limited dolls but still i think she will work well for Annaliese. I want to get her the gradiation wine wig with piggy tails from luts.
and this fine gentelman is who i want for Amon. he is a luts senior delf Abadon. and he is aproperetly snoty looking :D
gonna do a post of all of Celeste's shiny new things but whent the internet isn't running at dial up spead.....
big hugs to carebear and the alian who have had some sad and bad things happen to them.