walking along the beach ...

Aug 31, 2003 18:25

Yesterday I went to the beach with Miri & her friends.
We planned for an 'isolated' beach, and after more than an hour's driving, found one, in Givat Olga.
There was that small problem of rocks on the beach and in the water - so walking and swimming wasn't easy.
But 'twas fun.
The water were warm, the company nice, and I had my Miri to float with.

And then we wanted to leave and the car wouldn't start. The goddamn immobilizer just wouldn't let me start. I was extermely upset - car breaking down is one the things i hate most. Trying to joke while being upset doesn't come out too good. All i got was a headache (from banging my head in the steering wheel) and a quarrel with Miri.
We tried everything - from holding the 'obilizer for minutes, with key, without key, jump start, pushing the car, blowing on the 'mobilizer to clean it, wriggle it in and out in all sorts of positions, banging my head as mentioned above.
Eventually, after 2 hours,Miri and I tired "one last time" (the tow car was on its way). I put it in and we said to the car "please start. please, pretty please?" And you know what? -It worked!

To conclude the Beach entry - read the lyrics of Tom Smith's "walking along the beach while you're slitting your wrist" song...
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