Jan 21, 2008 17:42
Project Summaries
"Strenghts and Weaknesses"
Is the unofficial, will not be used, loose title for my 'not-too-distant slightly paranormal suspense thriller series. Ususally refered to as S&W or SW. I don't have titles yet, because we're [my 'editor' and I] trying to figure out just how the series is going to be presented. Quite a lot has to go into the creation of the first book, the Synopsis of the series (including individual synopsies of the 2nd-5th books) before I start harassing publishers with it.
Main Characters: Aden, Rafe, Kate, Gunner
"The Last Guardian", Bottles Series, Book One co-written with Rickey R. Mallory
An intriguing story about a young irish man with a much bigger destiny than he could have possibly imagined. He inherits a the Pub his Grandfather owned after he's mortally wounded in World War II. The first book in a series, "The Last Guardian" takes you through Val's first year of recovery and discovery.
Main Characters: Val, Syd, Colleen, Charlie and The Archangel Michael
Learning Through History
A magazine that is used as a teaching tool for homeschooling. It presents history in a new light for youth of all ages. I've am trying to average one article an issue with them. That only works if I get enough research time, though.
"Ritual Madness" co-written with Crystal Freeman under the name Skye Calhoun
Our first book together, and hopefully one in a series. Paranormal with a uniqie twist on not only Vampires, but the supernatural in general. We pull heavily from our combined experience and degress in History and Anthropology as well as my obsurd fascination with Linguistics.
Current Status
SW Book One: 84, 257 words (337 pages) Goal: 87,000
In revisions. I hate revisions. Really....
Bottles: Last Guardian: 61,500 words (246 pages) Goal: 80,000
FINALLY have a Bible for the damned thing. Important note to all writers out there. Keep track of your universe. ESPECIaLLY if there are two of you trying to write in it.
Assignments: Rickey is working on re-drafting Chapter One to fit the WWII setting
Galen is supposed to add to the begining of Chapter Two... crosses fingers.
Ritual Madness
Fixed the 'Bible' so we're back on the same page.
project summaries