Sep 06, 2006 22:03
Well, a year ago I could not have begun to imaging where I am now with my writing. The first book in a new series, based on one I created over 10 years ago is nearing completion. The next three in the series are mapped out, summeriazed, and ready for a synopsis to be build. I have two publishers in mind and an agent I'm sending things off to.
My writing partner has been so incredible helpful with this project I can begin to gush enough... There have been so many people who have been instrumental in getting this particular project done, and in keeping me sane this past year that I'm going to be hard pressed not to have two pages of acknowledgments... It's going to end up in code, I just know it.. *laugh
So, no writing today, but I'm on vacation for the rest of this week, and most of next. I'm aiming to get about 70 pages written. I'll be okay with 40, but I'd prefer 70.
for now, though, I'm off to read a manuscript for the W.P.