Sep 10, 2006 21:09
When we last left off, I was feeling absolutely horrible about going to college.
Fortunately, I don't feel so bad anymore. But then again, I also don't feel so good. Allow me to explain...
Perhaps it was the myriad of AP classes I took. Perhaps it was the CC class I took last semester. Perhaps it's because Oxy's a small school. Perhaps it's just because I'm taking introductory courses. Perhaps it's just too early to tell. Whatever the reason is, college just isn't as life-changing as I envisioned. To be honest, it feels just like high school did, except with a little less time spent in class and a little more time spent on homework. I've been trying to branch out and try new things, but so far I've only found minor distractions, like Comedy Night or a dorm hall spread. Again, I don't feel horrible anymore... I just don't know what to make of this so-called "brave new world" I'm living in.
That has such people in it... First there's my roommate, Tate. He plays guitar a lot. When he's not, he's usually watching South Park with me. Every day, we sing songs from Team America, completely unannounced. One of us will be working on a paper, and the other will bend over and yell, "AMERICA!"
To which the other replies, "FUCK YEAH!"
In unison: "Coming again to save the mother fucking day yeah!"
And so on and so forth.
Then there's Chris. He's from Ventura and likes playing video games and watching anime. Last night we watched Adult Swim and tonight we're planning on doing the same.
There are lots of others that I could mention, but I'll be brief for brevity's sake.
I'm not disappointed about any of my classes, if that means anything. My first class of the day on M/W/F is English 110: American Experiences, which is basically a rehash of 11th grade with Ms. West. That could be a good or bad thing, depending on who you are. For me, it's alright, though. The professor is a really big man with a heavy Southern accent. He makes us form a circle before each and every class so that we can discuss in a symmetrical environment.
Then there's History 242: Imperial Asia, on T/Th. The reading material is interesting, but unfortunately the lectures have fell flat so far. The professor is a very kind man with a wealth of knowledge to share, he just doesn't make the best lecturer. He has a slight accent, but he also pauses a lot when he speaks to us. It's not too bad though, and things can always get better. I'm counting on it.
My core class, CSP20: Asian/Asian-Americans in Film is later in the day on M/W/F. So far we've watched one movie: Better Luck Tomorrow, which is about a group of Asian-American high school students who deal in all sorts of illegal activities. A lot of the class has just been discussion about the history and culture of Asian Americans. It's an interesting class, though, and it's really small so we can get some interesting discussions going on.
On Thursdays, I have a 6-hour film class (broken up into two parts) called ARTF146: Aesthetics to Cinema. The professor is a young USC graduate who speaks in a very soft voice. He reminds me of Mr. Dillon, only he's not quite as socially awkward. I've watched four films so far... 3-Iron, Peking Opera Blues, Notorious, and The Cabinet of Dr. Calighari. The first two are foreign films from Korea and China, respectively. The third is a well-known Hitchcock film starring Cary Grant. The fourth is a German silent-film about a mad doctor who uses a somnambulist to commit murders in a scary looking city.
I have a paper in CSP20 due this Friday that I haven't started yet, although it's only a 2-3 page review on Better Luck Tomorrow.
Today I had to read the excruciatingly dull "Autobiography" by Benjamin Franklin. I didn't pay much attention after the first paragraph or so. He just rambled on and on about his life accomplishments. What's funny is, at the end of the reading, he notes that what he just wrote had "no concern to anyone" other than himself. Thanks for making us read it anyway, Ben Fucking Franklin.
A lot of people drink here, and it's a little annoying. Even if I don't drink anything, I still risk getting written up by the RAs just for being in the same room as people who are. Being the nervous freak I am, I usually leave the room shortly after the alcohol appears. It sucks, though, because most of these people are decent human beings and I really wish they wouldn't make such fucktards out of themselves. I don't know, maybe I'm just not getting something. I'm sure I'll try it sometime and see for myself.
That's it for now. To those who are leaving to college soon: enjoy the remainder of your break in Santa Barbara.