Star Trek Discovery

Nov 09, 2017 09:42

My husband and I have been watching Star Trek Discovery. It's the only show we follow on network TV.

I have a few guesses as to what's going to happen in the next episode

To avoid spoiling the show for anyone who hasn't seen episode 9 yet, I'll place my musings

The Star Trek Discovery series is set ten years before the original Star Trek. The idea that things may not be exactly the same as they were in the original series hasn't seem to have occurred to some online reviewers.

I read an online review of the season 1, episode 8, Sic vis Pacem, Para Bellum. The reviewer groused about the characters quickly glossing over the Prime Directive.

What the reviewer didn't bother to notice was that the Prime Directive (absolutely NO contact with pre-warp civilizations) isn't called the Prime Directive yet.

Ladies and gentlemen, I propose that on next week's Star Trek Discovery we will witness the birth of the Prime Directive.

This is going to be ugly. Really big and really, really ugly.

It will be the sort of thing that school children will learn about as a cautionary tale for years and years after the fact. 'You see what they did there? Don't DO that!'

Michael Burnham will likely take the lions share of the blame. I feel very badly for the character. She does things with the very best of intentions but it continually blows up in her face. Her character seems to serve as an example of the old proverb,
the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
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