Jul 28, 2007 21:31
Haven't had a chance to take birthday pictures yet, but I can't believe my little girl is already 4 years old. Tonight as she was going to bed, she kept checking with me making sure she was REALLY four years old. I told her that since it was her Hebrew birthday and we were in Israel that she was, but if we lived in Canada she wouldn't be 4 until her English birthday. It was a silly answer but suited her fine (she was confused about the 2 birthday thing I guess.)
I have yet to bake her cake for her party at camp tomorrow, or buy her a birthday present... not without lack of trying mind you. She wants a soccer ball, specifically a regular old white with black soccer ball. I've been to 4 different stores and haven't found a regular old soccer ball yet. She's been very specific. If I can't find one by tomorrow morning, I will take her to pick one out. That way she won't be disappointed with whatever I buy. That or I'll go get her a necklace with her name on it (which was my other plan) and keep looking for a soccer ball for her English birthday (Aug. 12).
Speaking of tomorrow, I'm just hoping I make it through tomorrow without going into labour. Any time after 2pm will be fine, but I really want to make it through at least her birthday party at camp. It will be really hard on her if I miss it. I know there's nothing I can do if I do go into labour, but I can hope, cross my legs and try not to do anything to promote it. I mean, I'm 2 days late already, there's really not much I can do. BTW, when you're overdue, why do people (even ones you barely know) have to come up to tell you that there are good "natural" ways to promote labour... meaning sex? Not normal people are.
- Strike was over within about 24 hours, but not with enough time to file our papers on Thursday. They shall be done tomorrow and returned to us in the evening and Monday BE"H we can finally go to the bank with all our stuff and our mortgage will be processed. The house should be ours within a week or less of that. Of course, in the meantime, the US dollar has shot up and our mortgage is now 20,000 shekel higher than originally planned, and prime has gone up too (we have a prime rate mortgage) so who knows what our payments will end up being now. I'm just praying for an unexpected dollar drop in the next week or so, BEFORE we get the house (which is the day it gets sealed) and not after.
- Caved and read HP7 off a PDF on my computer. Couldn't wait. Anyone want it? It had some spelling errors but was otherwise very readable.
I think that's the major stuff. Sorry for not posting pictures of the house. Just keep forgetting...