Jul 25, 2007 09:11
Ok, so everything was moving well on the house... until today.
I hadn't heard from my lawyer on Monday about our papers being ready. I figured he just didn't get home with enough time before Tisha B'av to get us to pick them up, so I called first thing this morning. He told me that his intern never made it to the office on time and the papers were never filed. This wouldn't be a huge deal, except that now there's a general strike and all the gov't offices in the country are closed... indefinitely. Now, if this strike hadn't been publicized ahead of time, there would be no real reason that I could be so angry... BUT we have known about the impending strike for a week and we told the lawyer that the papers had to be in before that because we have a deadline. You see, after Aug. 1st, we start paying $50/day in rent for the house, something which we can't afford.
Being all emotional, I got Avri to call and tell the lawyer that the extra fees were now on his head, being that we knew about the strike already and the only reason we're now delayed is because of his incompetent intern (who btw, didn't call him to say that she wouldn't make it or else he would have sent someone else.)
I just got a call back from him now. We can file the papers by mail. It will take less than a week if we write URGENT on it. But still, there's almost no way we'll close in time and I still don't know who is going to be paying this extra money on the house. Best we can hope for now is that the shekel will drop significantly enough by that time to pay for his mistakes.
house troubles