We The Animals Take Control

Nov 04, 2010 22:55

I rocked my German Oral Exam! *fistpump* Got 98%. You know you're doing pretty good when the instructor asks if you've taken German before. I told her nope, I like a lot of German music and watch some German movies... also have some Austrian in the family, but no one close to me that speaks any German. She said my pronounciation is very good. XD

I guess all those years of listening to Rammstein have paid off. Lol.


Just finished studying for bio... with a bit of luck I might do okay. Not feeling overly confident but I think I've got a working knowledge of genetics and inheritance... and a good bit of knowlege where cancer is concerned. Heh.

Midterm 2 first thing tomorrow morning. Yay.

Then 3 more midterms sometime in the next couple weeks and that stupid philosophy paper that I haven't even started yet. D: At least I've finally picked my topic... Ah ha ha. Hopefully I'll be able to pull of some magic again this time. One portion of the essay is for my own opinion so I'll be able to chew up quite a bit of word count on that, I can ramble like nobody's business. And also, at least now I know basically what she's looking for. When in doubt, throw in quotations.


In psychology we just finished up consciousness which included altered states, thus drugs. My instructor showed us this awesome German video which I have managed to find on YouTube, you must watch this! It is awesome:

image Click to view

Translations (roughly):

10 Drogen, die Sie nicht nehmen sollten ... wenn Sie Auto fahren = "10 Drugs you should not take when driving"

Haschisch = "Hashish"

(During Cocaine)
Rechts oder links? Rechts oder links? Rechts oder links? Rechts oder links? Mir ist egal! Hauptsache Vollgas! = "Right or left? etc. Whatever! As long as I drive as fast as I can!"

Klebstoff = "Glue"

(No idea what he's saying during Absinthe other than All Cars)

Alle zusammen = "All together"

video, school

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