Mar 04, 2009 13:13
I have never known myself to feel so at one with the world as I have recently. Between dreams of a more scandalous nature plaguing both my daytime fancies and my sleep, and the inherently sensual connection the sea is sparking within me I feel new baptised be it when I am playing within her depths or simply gazing upon her beauty.
Alive, as if my entire being is humming to a primal effect. Does anyone else find the combination of sand, sun, and water affecting them so deeply? I actually took the plunge last night as dusk crested the horizon, throwing myself to the mercy of the waves as I stood in my full glory.
It made me feel almost magical, as if I was some kind of nymph or sprite. It was peaceful, as if the world finally made sense for once. I understood all those hesitations, the inability to accept the truth. I felt...loved, and as if I deserved love in return.
If you need me that is where I shall be, the wind at my back and the sun bathing me in his radiance.
*event: costa del sol,
whores like sex,
take me now,
skinny dipping,
the elements and sensual,
new baptised