Today Michael and I notified Centerlink that we are officially a couple. This might sound trivial, but for both of us it was an interesting trigger point in our evolution as partners, both being careful with the protection of our core selves, both having issues from recent and long term history about various relationship related things. In the end
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I wouldn't be at all surprised if there were close similarities with The Fundamental Error, which is why I'm so gleesticks about your forthcoming book (and also why I was happy to take a step back in communicating with you all because I knew that's what you were working on: having me going through the intense grief period that I've been going on for the past two and a bit months isn't really constructive to add to the stuff the triad has been going through). :) But I'm very much looking forward to reading the things that I've been so wishing I could participate in through a workshop! *happy wriggling*
I find the Ghost Not concept useful to describe a condition rather than a set of rules: given that it's something I've been familiar with for awhile, it's a descriptor that I use within my circle that's understood on a conceptual level. Finding my Ghost Nots has been an interesting exercise of late...
*hugs* and it's lovely to talk with you again. :) This subject is the primary focus of mine at the moment, so I'll be writing about it quite a bit...
Given that I have very little framework for knowing the work that you do, it would be an awesome exploration for me as well as a way of expanding my own understanding... :)
and also why I was happy to take a step back in communicating with you all because I knew that's what you were working on:
Um, no. We've really only spent a handful of hours per week working on The Usual Error. I had no idea that that was a factor in you communicating with us less.
having me going through the intense grief period that I've been going on for the past two and a bit months isn't really constructive to add to the stuff the triad has been going through
From your posts, it sounds like you're coming out of your intense grief period, though. Is that true?
Yes, the writing was a factor, as was all the other things the triad was going through: I just felt internally that my stuff was essentially crap you all didn't need, and the feeling that I was someone not as positive and awesome for Sera as you and Kye are was also a factor. I felt she- and all of you, really- weren't getting what the triad deserves in terms of connection but I've been unable to give because of the constant upheavals since December. So there was that as well: doubts about my ability to give Sera the quality of connection she so deserves, feeling unable to give what I wanted to, etc. Stupid, perhaps, but real.
It hurt. Still does, though it lessens with time and lowered expectation.
I completely understand not being able to give attention and connection, but to go away with no words of explanation or reassurance shook me greatly. And even now, you have made no attempt to reconnect to Sera in any way. I don't know what to make of that.
I didn't realise that I'd gone away without words of explanation, I thought that I"d talked to Sera about my concerns before I moved, knowing I'd be offline for some time. I don't have any words to express how I feel at the thought of hurting you, it was certainly not what I was trying to do: it seems that in wanting to prevent one kind of difficulty I've created a situation that has been painful for you all. I don't know what to do about that: is it better that Ijust go away completely? Given that I seem to have cocked things right up so far...
It's strange, isn't it, that in wanting to *not* do things badly, sometimes it creates exactly the very thing that one is trying to prevent. I have missed you all so much, but didn't know what to do. I knew that I was fluctuating so much that any kind of reliability was something I couldn't offer and didn't want to offer anything less: how could I offer Sera anything but my all? How could I do that to any of you?
It's more a reflection of how I feel about myself in certain areas than a lack of loving you all on my part. I felt I had so little to offer.
I had a pretty triggery reaction to your comment. In my perception, you resorted to beating yourself up instead of discussing the issue with me, and I like you and don't want you to beat yourself up, so I was unable to focus on the issue anymore because now you're sad and upset. It halted communication for me for a while.
I realize that there might've been communication between you and Sera that never got through to me and Pace. One of the communication challenges with Sera is that she doesn't offer information unless asked, and if I don't know to ask, sometimes things (even important things) don't get communicated.
I don't think it's better that you go away completely. Sera says she's happy with you, no matter the distance. I strongly desire the two of you to communicate and find what you want from each other, but that's because my own personal definition of 'girlfriend' is not what you two seem to be, and I have trouble when my inner labels don't match up with my perceptions of a given relationship or situation.
Please, let's communicate clearly and openly and not resort to self-defacing behaviour. We're friends, we can get through this if that's what we both want.
I really want to communicate clearly and openly about this situation- I love Sera and miss her every day, and I miss you and Pace as well. It's a good idea to clearly find out what we want from each other and for me to be honest about it all. Part of that for me is voicing that I really *didn't* feel like I had anything meaningful to offer- I'm half a world away for a start- but I can see how that was being skewed inside by other thinking and that perhaps what I feel and think about might actually be of worth to you all despite the distance factor.
I'm open to working through this too. :)
Once we know what the two of you want, we can suss out what the rest of us want from each other, and how it all meshes together. (:
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