Jan 13, 2007 12:27
DISCLAIMER: Some of you may not want to read this...you know who you are. This is a very angry post in response to a person i thought was a friend but turned out to be a complete jerk. This isn't to anyone who is on my LJ friends list. If you have any constructive advice of how to deal w/ an individual like this, by all means comment, but if you don't, I politely ask that you don't comment. Thank you.
i cannot begin to express how upset i am right now...why am i letting him get to me...he's the asshole, he's the one who has no respect for anyone but himself, he's the one who doesn't deserve my time or friendship.... I just want to scream in his face that he can't do this to someone. I just don't get why he started something if he didn't want anything. You can't jerk people around like that. I don't think I have ever felt this used in my life...and i just let him do it too. the worst part is he has no remorse for any of the shit he's put me through. making me jump through his fucking hoops...and what for? sex...not fucking, not making love, just plain ol' sex...sex w/o emotion, w/o attatchment, w/o any feeling at all. well only on his part, the fucker. How can guys go sleeping around w/ anyone they want and have absolutely no emotional feelings whatsoever...oh that's right, he's too emo to have any emotions. I forget that he doesn't like emotions, and told me time and time again not to express any of the ones i had...my mistake. Well asshole...i hope i never see you again...don't call, don't write, don't even acknowledge that there was a time when we were friends, because i'm not your friend, im not your call girl, i'm not the person you can come crying to when the girl you asked out rejects you cuz she doesn't want a relationship right now...i've heard that story already jackass, from you! It was my mistake to ever get involved w/ you in the first place. I know better than to date someone who's fucked practically every attractive woman in the city...and even some who weren't so attractive. so go ahead and live your life, but don't expect me to be any part of it at all, cuz if you're not ready to face up to the emotional crap you've put me through and own up to it, then there isn't ever going to be a friendship btwn us. Fuck you.