Apr 12, 2009 22:34
Very little new to report.
I need Femputer 2.0 back. Femputer 1.5 is driving me a little batty. She's becoming a bit of a frankenputer, considering I've now swapped out her dying hard drive, adapter, and battery (hence the upgrade to 1.5). Family laptop graveyards save my ass, I tell you. I can't find an OS disk to reformat, the browsers are out of date but the updates are too demanding to upgrade to, and there's at least one sneaky, sneaky virus that keeps evading my virus scans. Keep meaning to call around to get estimated costs on fixing Femputer 2.0...never seem to find time through the week. And am dreading what they'll say.
I love 1.0, don't get me wrong, she's stuck with me through a lot in my life...3/4 of midwifery school, breaking up with then-boyfriend-now-hubby, reconciling with then-boyfriend-now-hubby, building an internet-less house, sneaking with me off the mountain to WARdrive for whatever little wireless I could find, riding tucked in my carry bag everywhere I went... She's travelled near as many miles as I have in the past 5 years. She's been dropped, spilled on, and pushed to her limits, and keeps cheerily restarting. So it's with sadness that I begin to recognize her limitations.
Am grinding to a halt for school work today. Business plan submitted, hoo-rah. Dare not get hopefull that I might actually meet PLEA deadlines for finishing grad requirements. The terror is good for me.
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