(no subject)

Dec 30, 2011 04:24

Title: Unconventional
Pairing: Mikey/Pete
Rating: R
Wordcount: 1103
Summary: Mikey always takes the necessary pills. Except, he's beginning to wonder if his body truly needs an arousal pill, or if the same thing would happen without taking it.
Disclaimer: This is a non-profit, non-commercial work of fiction using the names and likenesses of real individuals. This fictional story is not intended to imply that the events herein actually occurred or that the attitudes or behaviors described are engaged in or condoned by the real persons whose names are used without permission.
Author's Notes: All Inclusive for you. Another pre-zones story. I've only just started to think about how the Killjoys got out, but the story is already expanding like crazy. I hope you like it.

Mikey takes Composition 76qw4 with Pete sometimes. Unlike it’s alter, 75qw4, which provides near instant orgasm, 76 draws arousal out. It gives the user time to use someone else to make the experience better for them. You’re only supposed to be concerned about your own pleasure, of course. Self-pleasure is the point of having an orgasm. Some people just react more favourably to using someone else to coax one out than having one alone. Mikey is one of the consumers that fares better with 76, and thankfully he knows a lot of people that are equally willing to use him.

Pete is different from most of his aquantinces. He’s different because after they both come, Pete doesn’t leave.

The first time he didn’t immediately get dressed and walk out Mikey got very confused. It threw him off enough that he had to take 9fc12 to bring himself to tolerable levels of emotional decency. These days he’s better at accepting it. Everyone wants their money’s worth in any given situation. Pete’s idea of getting his money’s worth involves cuddling for a significant amount of time afterwards. It’s interesting. Laying in a bed with someone pressed against him is nearly like taking Compositions 19al4 and 5ue42, street names Happy and Touch.

The idea that you can be sober and feel like you’re taking pills is interesting to Mikey. More than it should be. He doesn’t feel that way with anyone except Pete. Of course, that could be because no one has ever cuddled him, apart from Pete. It’s hardly an acceptable request.

“I wanna try something,” he says one evening.

“What kink do you want to try? Did your brother give you a free magazine?”

The question is full of oddities, as Mikey’s come to expect from Pete.

No one ever talks about brothers or sisters or parents or children. They exist, obviously. The male only Composition 95mmm and the female only Composition 95fff are extremely expensive. Pregnancy often occurs after sex between a man and a woman, having one birth doesn’t prevent a second from happening later. But trying insinuate a special relationship is awkward, if not offensive.

The idea or anyone getting anything for free is just as crazy. Nothing in Battery City is free. Nothing.

Lastly, Mikey’s not interested in magazines. He takes 76 because he wants mutual sex, not solo sex. Which is what this is all about, really.

“I bought more seventy six, but it went up in price. I thought I could make it last by trying this without it.”

Financial planning isn’t the only reason he wants to try sex without pills. It is the only reason those monitoring might be less likely to tag him as non-compliant and dangerous for.

It doesn’t matter anyway. Pete refuses. Given the choice between taking 76 and not having sex there’s only one option in Mikey’s mind. He swallows his pill, and Pete swallows his, and they strip and fall on the bed and use each other to come.

The truth is, Mikey’s beginning to wonder if people need pills for everything. Most things, yeah. He’s not sure how he’s supposed to remain calm without 9fc12 or become happy without 19al4.

That being said, there’s a range of pills for sleeping. If the body needs to do it, which Mikey’s been told it does, then surely the body can do it without chemical interference. Another example is the breathing pill that every Battery City citizen takes each morning to keep their inhalation and exhalation pattern regular. Mikey’s held his breath before. He’s experienced the way his chest flutters when his lungs demand air. He’s pretty confident his lungs know how to breathe without a pill to encourage it.

Sex is another bodily function. His penis gets hard, his body sweats, his asshole clenches around Pete, or Pete’s does around him, and he ejaculates. It makes sense that maybe -just maybe- he doesn’t need 75 or 76 to have sex.

Mikey thinks about the situation after Pete leaves. He’d been pretty sure that Pete would want to try sex without pills, considering how unconventional he is. He wonders if Pete is ever going to meet him for sex again, or if he’s scared him off. Mikey would bet Pete will come back. It’s not like he said no pills forever. He just wanted to try it once. Test it.

Gerard interrupts his thinking by walking into the room. There’s something in his face that Mikey doesn’t understand. Normally Mikey can tell what Composition Gerard’s just taken. He doesn’t look like he’s on any of the normal ones though.

“I’ve got a boyfriend.”

“What?” It’s an obsolete word. It’s possible that Mikey has thought about the word and the things it used to entail before the world cleaned its act up and worked with what was left, restructuring for everyone’s safety. It’s possible that if he had lived in the Crazy Era he might have had someone like Pete beside him. But it’s just speculation. Just stupid stories his feelings try to confuse him with when he hasn’t taken a pill in too long a time. He knows better than to say it.

“I’m in love.” Or that too, for BLI’s sake. “I was driving and I found him spray painting art. Real art! Not like at work. I don’t even know where you’d get spray paint!”

“Why are you shouting?” Gerard’s hands are waving around too. He looks ridiculous.

“Because I’m happy!”

“When was the last time you popped a nineteen?” But even at it’s peak, it shouldn’t be this strong. Unless...“Did you take more than one?”

“I haven’t taken any! And I’m never going to again! I don’t need 19al4! I have a boyfriend!”

“You’re right. You don’t need a nineteen. You need a 9fc12. You’re acting insane.”

“I’m not insane! I’m in love!” Before Mikey can stop him, Gerard is taking his face and holding it in place to kiss his forehead. It’s been years since the last time Gerard touched him.

“Love isn’t resellable.”

“I don’t want to sell it. I don’t want to sell anything, Mikey. I just want to love him!”

“Take a 9fc12, Gerard. Take it before anyone else notices you’ve gone insane.” They both know the trouble Gerard could get in if someone notices.

“Fuck ‘em. Let them notice.” With one last flailing gesture he leaves Mikey’s bedroom.

Mikey thinks about the scene that just occurred for a second. He measures his reaction, and reaches for the correct bottle. Gerard might want to be insane with emotion, but Mikey doesn’t.

all inclusive, bandom

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