(no subject)

Dec 30, 2011 01:00

So this is a bit of a belated Christmas report, but if you knew RL me that wouldn't surprise you. We generally have the Christmas tree up into the summer months. I believe this year it went down in September.

I'd like to start off with thanks everyone, for the cards.

Romanticalgirl, NuclearSugars, Crowgirl, Crazybutsound, Dangerous47, it was so nice of you to send them without getting anything back. next year I shall hopefully be able to return the kindness.

So you all have already seen the baking post. That takes up a massive chunk of December, but we also decorate.

My dad really loves the Charlie Brown Christmas. A few years ago my mom got him this plate, two years ago I crafted the tree, last year I got someone to trade me jewellry for a crocheted Linus. The white is the speech Linus gives.

My mom and dad both like A Christmas Carol. So, four collectable plates, three figurines, plus a snowman family.

They also have a nutcracker addiction. Technically I guess they're Christmassy, but to be honest these just stayed on the fireplace all of 2011.

Christmas eve we go to my cousins. My dad has three siblings, all three live in the rich, francophone area of Winnipeg, St. Boniface. It's about a 50 minute drive. This involved waking me up at noon when I'd gone to bed at 6am. I wasn't particularly happy about this. Thankfully there was Manson on my iPod.

First we go to my aunt Heather's. Heather and Craig have three daughters, all of whom are very femaleish. I do not mesh, but we are civil. Karyn wasn't there this year, she was at her boyfriend's (he recently got her pregnant, the family is kind of 0.0 at their complete lack of interest in getting married). Nicole and Tracey were there. Tracey's the one that got married in the summer, she brought her husband and her dog. Juno is massive, Bailey, who is Heather's, is tiny. Not chiuwawa tiny, but still small. It was cute; my dad wears shorts all year round, doesn't give a shit about the weather. Bailey literally licked his legs the ENTIRE two hours we were there. I petted Juno. My mom is scared of dogs, so sucks to be her. There I had a breakfast of a few Kiki Beaches, which is orange soda and lime flavoured liquor.

Around 4 we go three streets away to my uncle Colin's. Colin and Glenda have three boys. Scott and Christian I'm good with; Scott likes chain maile and video games, and Christian likes partying. And then there's Cameron. He decided to leave normal college and take his studies at a Catholic college. The first thing he said when we arrived was "i'm so glad jesus brought us together today". I did NOT say actually, it was the car because I was instructed to not start drama.
That being said, when he started ranting about abortions, I didn't let that shit stand. I got called disgusting. From him I consider that a compliment.
My uncle Colin likes getting people drunk. Every time he walked by he told me to drink my wine cooler. He kept providing them. He got me smashed.

Around 6 Heather+co come over, and around 7.30 Glenda's side of the family comes over. We all have a light drinking and chicken wings and cookies eating, talking and watching sports party. This year Glenda insisted on family pictures. These are the people I'm related to, (aside from the dudebros, those are Nicole and Tracey's men) apart from my Uncle Ken, who doesn't do Christmas eve.

At approximately 10 we head for home. Normally I stay up for hours. This year I was smashed, and crashed as soon as I ate so I wouldn't wake up with a hangover.

Our tree is in the basement. It's a artificial tree, it's been in the family since my parents got married thirty years ago. Normally it has more lights, we didn't realise the red pointsettas weren't on until the garlands were on, and then it was too late. (notice the three different kinds of garland! Seriously, when I get my own house I'll have one tree with ornaments, and one with just garland. I looove garland)

We're the kind of decorators that have ALL THE ORNAMENTS. In this close up you'll notice candy canes my parents got when they got married, glitter tear drops and merry christmas balls and glittery bells that used to be my grandmas, the JOY I made when I was a kid, a metal reindeer I got a few years ago, a mouse that's also a bell that my mom got in Amsterdam when she was in her twenties, a skating snowman from last year, Charles Dickens, and a glass nativity scene. Also a few others, probably. We don't believe in matching.

We always sit in the same place. Stockings come first. Stockings are approximately 98% chocolate and nuts and candy. Stockings are breakfast. And, you know, treats for the next month and a half. My stocking is about the length of my arm. Seriously.

We always listen to Tractors Christmas cassette (although now I have it downloaded), and we turn the tv to the burning log channel:

Presents take until about noon, then we call all the relatives and thank them. Then I make the stuffing and the bird goes in the oven. And then it's time to frantically clean the house before I have to peel 10 pounds of potatoes. Later I have to stir gravy, and there are a ton of vegetables, and breadsticks. Everyone drinks milk with the meal.

My grandpa and uncle Ken come over around 5. Dinner is at 6. Dessert is Jeanie's cake, which is seriously the best fucking cake ever. You think I'm exaggerating but I'm not. It's only the one bakery in Winnipeg, so when my cousin moved to Alberta with her husband, she occasionally gets them couriered out, like 60 dollars shipping to get a cake driven two provinces away. When the Queen visits Winnipeg that's what she gets for dessert. When my and my dad drive by the bakery we make up excuses to get one, like "holy shit it's Tuesday, can we get a celebratory cake?"

After dinner me and grandpa and Ken go downstairs and watch a movie while my parents do all the dishes. Or, really, we go downstairs, they both fall asleep, I watch a movie. This year it was Shaun of the Dead. Because nothing says Christmas like zombies. See:

But you know what? It was either that, or paint a shirt to say I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus, and that would have caused waaaay more drama with Cameron, so. I was being "good". (also, you can really see how much my hair's grown since the last time I dyed it)

After my parents are done doing the dishes they come downstairs, and we trade presents again. My parents being lovely:

Now...what all of you materialistic bastards are wondering...what was my haul?

In point form:
-Chapters gift cards
-Dollarama gift card
-Economy pack of Starbursts (36 packages, fuck yeah!)
-Tiny liquors
-Scented hand sanitizer
-Winnipeg Jets stein
-Buffy season five (I already have, but half the eps are skipping because I've watched them so much. I can't watch the last 2 episodes)
-8 set of Harry Potter
-Jack Skellington fingerless gloves
-Crackle Effects 4pack of nail polish
-Self healing cutting mat
-Copper chain
-Milk-based moisterizer
-Grape liquid soap
-Nightmare Before Christmas calender
-Zombie figurines
-Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
-Address labels
(plus enough chocolate for a fucking month from my stocking)

In conclusion...CHRISTMAS, FUCK YEAH!
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