(no subject)

Mar 11, 2011 17:00

Anyone else find the directors cut version of SING even more traumatizing then the first time around? *flail*

I'm currently distracting myself with the internet in the basement, as television has proven the world outside my door is baaaad, and my dad went to the hospital this morning so upstairs with my hyperventilating mother isn't much better.

eta: he called from the hospital, they had to transfer him to a different one, it's not going to be the routine procedure anymore, it's going to be surgery. but i'm stuck here with her instead of bussing to the hospital to be with him. i wish she wasn't blind and could fucking drive us both. i wish he had a cellphone so he could talk to us instead of using the payphone. i wish i'd gone with him this morning. I WISH SHE'D GIVEN ME A CHANCE TO FUCKING TALK WHEN HE CALLED INSTEAD OF JUST TELLING ME WHAT HE SAID AFTERWARD. i have never wanted to smoke a bowl more in my life.

eta 2: it's 11pm. he's home. he's okay. that was probably the first time i've ever wished i had a cell phone. *tackles her dad and never lets go*
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