Bad Days

Feb 15, 2008 15:52

Title: Bad Days
Status: finished
Pairings: MinChun and Jaeho
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Yoochun works at a coffee shop with his friend, Jaejoong. Yoochun isn't the most friendliest person you'll meet, but, a (really, really hot) customer falls for him, chaos ensues. Sort of.


I fell off my bed when I woke up.

I burnt my tongue when I was drinking my coffee.

I couldn't find my other pair of my sock.

I slammed the door onto my finger.

I was late for work.

I was lectured by my boss.

I had to endure masses of bodies trying to squeeze their way through, trying to order their coffee first.

Not to mention it was a morning. Like 7:00 am morning, when normal people could, would, and should be sleeping.

In a nutshell, a really really bad day so far. I hate that stupid song 'Bad Day' because it describes my day perfectly. But no way in hell am I going to 'sing a sad song just to turn it around'. After the morning rush hour, I just sit there, trying not to fall asleep while this strange, happy, cheerful, and one of those (excuse me while I shudder) morning people keeps on bothering me.

"-then he goes in, right? Then BAM! the-... hey! Yoochun! Chunnie!!!! YOOCHUN! Are you even listening to me!?"

I didn't even bother dignifying him with a response.

"Chunniieee!!!! I have to tell you this! This is very very important," he says, nodding his head solemnly.

I wave it off, literally and figuratively, "Yeah, yeah, Jaejoong. Let me sleep, will ya."

After that, he stays quiet. This is pretty much how it is everyday. Except for the:
- falling off of my bed
- burning my tongue
- not being able to find my other sock (the others were in the wash)
- slamming the door on my finger
- having the frickin morning shift

Can my day... scratch that. My day will get worse if I say it, think it, or.... something.

All too soon, I feel someone poking me, "Psst! Yoochun! Psst! There's a really hot guy here! He's totally your type!"

Still groggy from lack of sleep, I manage to crack an eye open, muttering why I had to be cursed with a friend/co-worker who has a boyfriend and must bother me to get one. Damn. Holy... I think I just died.
He has black hair, I could tell that he just got it cut (who gets a hair cut this early!? It's only... 8:42!) wearing tight black pants, a black leather jacket, a black shirt, and adorning a necklace . Who wears something like that this early!? But I'm not complaining, this is the best thing that has happened to me today. Hell, maybe even the last year, ever since I broke up with... cough, him.

"Uh, welcome, may I take your order?"

He just stares at me as though he can see right through my clothes, which I don't particularly mind as long as I can imagine him naked.


The guy looks up at the menu, "What would you recommend?"

I cannot believe this. This guy's voice makes me want to.... gulp... swoon. Like a stupid girl. (A/N: No offense!!!!)

"The latte seems pretty good, but I'm pretty biased. I prefer coffee with lots of cream and sugar."

"Then I'll take coffee. Black."

"Coming right up."

While I'm preparing the coffee, Jaejoong grins at me like one of that world wide famous, annoying unless you're the one doing it, I-told-you-so smiles. After I pour the drink, I try not to spill anything or worse, trip and make a total fool of myself in front of this very hot, sexy, I mean... the customer.

"Here you go! One black coffee."

I am so proud of myself! Not one drop spilt.
He takes a sip and just stands there, as though he's expecting something from me. Whatever it is, he's most likely taken. Great, another thing to add to my list. I'm gonna go sleep now. If I have to pretend like a happy employee another second longer, I think I'm going to gag.


I had a nightmare in which I was in a car accident.

I was late for work and I had the afternoon shift.

I barely ate all day.

I spilt food and drinks on myself thanks to Jaejoong, like ten times already.

I was forced to change into outfits that Jaejoong wanted me to wear.

I had to endure all the yuckiness a sweet couple does.

I was working and that same hot guy came in.

Thanks to him, I am now almost deaf and I shall sue him then, charge him for the hearing aids I now require.

Once again, bad day and all these annoying squealing girls aren't helping much either. Just because of that guy... Even though he's hot, I'd rather have him out of here if it takes all these annoying, no lives, little-

"Chun ah! Go talk to him!"

I pretend to be stupid (key word: pretend), "Who, hyung?"

He gives me another one of those annoying oh-really looks, "You know who."

"Have you seen those girls? They're like guard dogs, ready to tear your limbs apart if you go anywhere near him."

Jaejoong ponders the thought while I am going to find something to amuse myself with. Maybe I'll play with the espresso machine. Or the flavor, who knows what abominable flavor I'll come up with and then force Jae to drink it! Yeah! Maybe some caramel, green tea, tangerine and the-

"Excuse me, but I want more coffee."

Oh great. It's him.

I comply and get him some more coffee. I turn to leave but then he just had to call me back.

"Do something about the girls. They're unpleasant."

I bite back my tongue. As hot as he is, he's goddamn annoying.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I cannot do anything about that."

“And why not,” he looks at my pin, “Yoochun sshi?”

Oh god.

I really REALLY want this guy to leave.


Nothing bad happened today! Why? Today is my day off! I got to sleep in, no annoying, sickening, way too cute, Jaeho going on in my apartment, no food spilt, and especially, that hot guy. About time!

And now, I can spend the day how I want. Maybe some TV while reading, or just sleeping some more, or cleaning. This is apartment does need its monthly cleaning. Or Maybe I’ll make some pancakes or just have some chips for brunch if I don’t feel like cooking.

I walk into the kitchen, cursing under my breath of how I should have worn socks because the floor was so cold. I open up the fridge…

.....I take it back. I have no food. Now I have to go grocery shopping.... Crap.


"But oppa! What did I do!? What!? Please! I need you! I can't live without you!" this girl shrieks.

I just happened to walk on in that hot guy and his girlfriend, the way she's screaming on like a banshee, breaking up. Not to mention I’m crouching behind a bench in the park since I don’t want to pass by the lovely couple’s bickering (the grocery store, unfortunately, is past the park, therefore, I have to go through it in order to get to my destination).

Dammit! I'm hungry and I still haven't gotten halfway there yet! So this is the thing to add to my bad day list.

"Changmin oppa! Please! PLEASE!"

So that's his name... it suits him. What am I thinking!? And why should I be hiding!? Sure, it’ll be awkward, but better than this! So it is a bad day, walking right into a lover’s quarrel.

“I’ll change! Please!” The girl starts sobbing (it’s a wonder that she didn’t start crying way before I got here), “Don’t leave! After everything we’ve been through.”

“We were never together, you forced yourself onto me. Not only that, you stalked me, invaded my personal privacy by ransacking my penthouse after I told you to leave me alone. And the most ludicrous thing of all is the fact that we were never together and in doing so, I will make sure to get a restraining order. You know that I am in love with Yoochun.”



I found out that this ‘Changmin’ guy is in love with me.


I might have to see him today.

When pouring coffee, I burnt myself.

Jaejoong won’t stop nagging me.

Yunho is here.

I have to be a witness to another day of Jaeho mushy gushy “I loooo~ve you!” that makes me want to hurl. Which is not a good thing since all I had was some juice since I never made it to the store. And whose fault is that!? That stupid, good-for-nothing, “oh I’m so cool” attitude with the rabid fan girls, Changmin!

He better not come in today, otherwise I’ll just have to dump some drink onto his little-

“Coffee. Black.”

Jaejoong replies, “Coming right up. Yoochun! Coffee!”

…I really hate my life. I grab the cup and pour the coffee into it and walk over to the pick up place, trying not to look up. No eye-contact whatsoever, just avoid him. Just do your work.

“Hey, you.”


“Yes?” Yes! No eye-contact! Keep on looking at the floor! Ew, someone spit out gum over there, and it’s a grayish color, too!

“Look at me.”

Do I have to!?

“Yoochun,” Jaejoong finally has a purpose! Please let it be someone’s ordered, “I’ve got it covered, there aren’t as many people today so you can go on and talk with… him.”

I sigh and respond as sarcastically as possible, “Thanks.”

“Look up at me.”


“Why not?”

“None of your goddamn business.”


“Fine, but I do…n’t-”


“Like what you see?”


“But you keep-”


He’s wearing black slacks, a light gray jacket suit, and a red shirt underneath it, cut down low so you can see part of his… gulp, pecs. Damn he’s hot. You can tell he works out. Damn him!


Ugh, great, now my boss is going to give me another lecture.

“Why are you being rude to the customer?”

“Junsu, stop acting so pretentious. He was being rude to me!”

Junsu gives me a look (I can’t even tell what kind of “look” it was), “It’s boss while we’re at work. And since you’re being so rude, I’m ordering you to go on a date with him for being so rude.”


Great. I'm walking to the store then home and this Changmin guy is with me. Not to mention all the stares from random people (not to mention the drool), it's awkward. He offered to walk me home and since I turned him down, he just decided to walk me home anyway. How annoying.

"So uh.... whats up? Yesterday I saw you and your girlfriend arguing."

He doesn't answer. I guess he's to busy strutting to notice.

"Is everything alright?"

Why the hell am I even trying to be nice when he's clearly being rude!

"She's not my girlfriend."

Ugh, why did I even bring this up!? OH SHIT! Then this proves that I also heard that last bit!!! NOOO!!! I blame him! 
We walk into the store and I just grab some ramen, cereal, milk, and chips and go up to pay. Changmin looks at the stuff and doesn't say anything. When it was my turn to pay, he took out his wallet and handed the credit card to the cashier.

"I can pay for it, you know. I'm not poor."

"It's called being polite."

"It's also called my food."

He didn't reply and took the bag from the stupid cashier (did I mention it was a woman who just happened to drool and is staring at Changmin's ass?).

"Hey! I can carry it! It's not much."

He just keeps on walking. Dammit he's really pissing me off!


"We're here."

"Huh?" was the smartest reply that I came up with.

"You said that you saw me and that girl quarreling. So I thought you must live somewhere nearby."

"Oh," another smart reply. He's making me stupid. I blame Junsu for giving me the rest of the day off, Jaejoong and Yunho giving me and this idiot "looks".

"Well then," I look up to see him closer, "I'll pick you up tomorrow at 8. Wear whatever you want, but I prefer nothing."


Jaejoong is going through my closet.

My room is now a disaster area or the Bermuda Triangle.

I have tried on 18 different outfits with 6 different hairstyles.

Yunho will not let me eat anything claiming it will “ruin my appetite”.

I don’t have an excuse to go anywhere (especially work since stupid Junsu gave me the day off to “prepare”).

I have a date with that annoying Changmin.

Clothes are flying everywhere: left, right, center, wherever I happen to try to dodge it.

“How come you have no good clothes!!!” Jaejoong’s voice muffled by the clothes.

“I do, its just you’re too picky.”

“But this has to be PERFECT!”

I snort, “You make it sound like it’s your date. Actually, go on the date for me and tell me how it goes.”

Jaejoong tries to reply sarcastically (key word: tries), “Yeah, cause I love him oh so much!”

“Joongie!” Yunho shouts when he comes into the room, “You aren’t going to leave me are you!?”

Jaejoong looks up from the fort of clothing, “No, I love you! Only you, honey buns!”

“Oh schnooknums! I love you, too!”

Jaejoong opens up his arms wide and Yunho runs to hug him…. MY EYES!!! THE MAKE OUT COMMENCES!!! While covering my eyes, I search blindly for something to throw at them, “ENOUGH! MY APARTMENT, MY RULES! ONE, NO OPEN DISPLAYS OF AFFECTIONS EXCEPT FOR HUGS!”

I hear them part, thank god, and cautiously open my eyes. Phew, it’s safe.

“Oh yes, and rule numero dos, no disgusting ’pet names’ for each other. Only nicknames as in it has to do with your NAME not your BODYPARTS.”

The ever infamous Yunjae pout. Doesn’t work on me though.

“Chunnnniiiieee! We have some shopping to do.”



Yunho and I look at each other. This means only one thing… or maybe a few things.

1. Uh oh
2. Run away
3. Scream like a girl and run away



“Oooh! How about this one, Chunnie?”


“This one?”


“This one?”


“You’re being difficult.”

“You’re being ridiculous.”

“It would look sooo good on you!”

“It would look sooo good on me if people were blind!”

“But you’re an autumn!”

“And you’re retarded!”

“Don’t call my happy dooks ‘retarded’!”

“Your ‘happy dooks? What did I say about your weird pet names!?”

“We are no longer in your apartment!”

Why me!? First my room and now shopping!? I HATE shopping! You just go in, buy some shirts or whatever you need, then get out, as fast you can before those fake, smiley sales people make you buy something.

I walk away from them, since they’re all in ‘lovey dovey’ mode and I’ll barf if I watch another second more.


I place the last article of clothing into my closet and that took three hours. But now…

“Oh Yoochun! Time to prepare for your date!”


“But it’s only 7:00!”

“Exactly! To prepare for a proper date, it takes time, per say, two to three hours? Maybe even four.”

“…don’t you just brush your hair, put on some clothes, and put on some accessories? It only ever took me ten minutes.”

Jaejoong gapes at me in bewilderment.

“Whatever, get out so I can change.”

That broke him out of his trance, “Oh NO you’re not! You are going to take a shower, then put on your clothes, blow dry your hair, then maybe a little lip gloss…”


“Fine since your lips already look they have some one anyways.”


Jaejoong crosses his arms and gives me an oh-so-you-think-you’re-so-smart look, “And what for?”

I reply, “To make them a bluish-purplish color.”

“…I have naked baby pictures of you.”

“Hate you.”


“Yes, ma’am.”

~15 painful minutes later


“Keep still! If you keep moving, I won’t be able to get it!”


“Be a man and hold it in.”

Dammit, that’s the last time I’m letting him prepare me. I mean, he’s WAXING my EYEBROWS!
And now… whoa. No pain!
But then-


“Chunnie, when was the last time you brushed your hair!?”


7:58 pm. Two more minutes. Two more fast paced minutes. WHY!?
I check the mirror one last time to make sure it was too overdone. What’s worse than fearing that you look to plain for a guy you like is fearing that you overdid it for a guy you hate. I don’t want to do this!!!! It’s going to be hell. He’s going to order me around, smirking, having psychotic girls attack me, and did I mention the psychotic girls?

[to see what Yoochun looks like, click here
, except for the smile, it’s more of a frown]

7:59 and 59 seconds, 58... 57... 56...

Jaeho walk into the room, hand in hand, “Lemur poo, you did such a fantastic job!”

Jaejoong beams, “Thanks so much jiggly nooks! Chunnie, will he be on time? Or will he be one of those cliché, ‘fashionably late’ kind of people?”

I stare at the clock instead of responding. I don’t care if he’s late. Hell, I don’t even care if he doesn’t show up.

33... 32... 31... 30


“Joongie, lets get something to eat, I’m hungry.”

I could tell from the silence that Jaejoong was giving him one of those looks. Excuse me while I shudder… I’m still scarred from that day when I was so close to seeing hell…
I hear a door shutting (it’s not mine, after that time, I put a bell on my door. Weird, but it works).

19... 18... 17... Maybe he won’t come! Maybe he forgot!

4... 3... 2... 1- Knock knock

Shit. I walk over to the door and… WHOA. My eyes widened and I swear I think my jaws were wide open. What a great image to present myself in.

[since I cannot describe Min’s hotness, click here
for image]

“Nice to see I look presentable.”

Presentable isn’t even the word! It’s more… more… sexy. DID I JUST THINK THAT!?

“So… uh…”


Changmin peers curiously to the side, “Is everything alright?”

“Shit! I mean, lets go!” I say as I rush to put on my shoes and grab his hand run out.

“Eager, aren’t we?”


I stop running when we reach the parking lot, since I obviously don’t know what his car looks like. His eyes flicker towards my hand. I blush (crap) and let go immediately. I look away and face the parking lot. Where’s his car anyway?

“My car is this way.”


Changmin motioned towards his car… Oh. My. God. A frickin’ Lamborghini!

[link to car


This is really awkward. He just complimented me. Not just that. I am now embarrassed because of it. Do I like him or something? Sure he’s hot, but he’s annoying! With all those stupid, annoying, delirious, deranged, crazy girls thinking he’s going to be their’s when he’s going to be mine….
Wait a minute….


Changmin stopped at the red light, “Realized that you’re attracted to me?”


“Then you have. About time. I was getting impatient.”


“I’m driving.”

“…I hate you.”

“Quite the contrary.”

“How would you know!? You a mind reader.”

“No, just a expression reader.”

“I don’t show emotion that easily!”

“You know that‘s a lie.”


“I am.”


This is a simple situation to get out of, by simply turning on the radio. That’s what I did while I took a quick glance at him. He really is handsome… wait a minute, is that a smirk!? THAT JERK!
I pout and cross my arms and look out the window.

“You look adorable when you do that.”


“I really mean it. And I apologize for earlier, I was being quite rude.”

“…” What am I supposed to say? Say ‘sorry’ when I was right? But I should say something… I feel guilty… Hold on, since when did I feel… shudder, guilty?

We sat in silence for the rest of the ride.

The car suddenly stopped, “We’re here.”

Changmin gets out of the car, and before I could he opens the door for me, “Monsieur.”

I would say something to that, but the entrance looks amazing. It’s all… breathtaking. I slowly make my way inside, behind Changmin. We walk up to the seater, “Nous avons une réservation*.”

Was that French!?

“Oui, Monsieur, redressez de cette façon*,” the waiter says and gives me this weird look [A/N:: by what he means is, the waiter was checking him out] and grabs the menus. All of a sudden, Changmin grabs onto my hand and has a stony look on his face.
“Nous voici*,” the waiter puts the menus on the table and winks at me before he leaves. What the hell was that!?

I forogt about it in a second and gape. This is just… way too beautiful. Now... that stupid waiter.

[link for restaurant

I sit down, still gaping. How can this one annoying customer from one day force me into a date (technically Junsu, but he’s the one who provoked me, therefore, his fault), and end up going to a gorgeous place like this!?

“That waiter…”

“Hm?” I look at him. Oh, him. He has issues. What kind of waiter gives me that kinda look to a customer? Is he alright in the head? [A/N: he’s basically insulting himself there XD]

I open up the menu… to see it in French. Great.
I sneak a peek at him, but he’s fluent in French, he’s already proved that.

Not looking up from the menu, “Do you want me to order for you?”

“I- yes,” I say sheepishly.

He doesn’t respond and doesn’t say anything until the waiter comes, “nous voudrions le mignon, le bifteck, la langoustine, et le caviar de filet. Et apportez svp le meilleur vin que vous prenez. Quant au dessert, nous attendrons jusqu'à ce que nous ayons fini notre repas.*”

After the waiter left, I asked him what he ordered. He didn’t say anything and just looks at me, like the first time we met. I tried looking back at him, but that stupid guy had to ruin it and make me blush so I had to look away.

--Friday (cont.)

When the food came, we ate in silence, both of us (well, actually just me) glancing at the other. Am I supposed to say something? It’ll be better than not saying anything. “Do you not like the food? Should I order something else?”

Once again, I smartly reply, “Eh?”

Changmin motions with his fork in hand (which I find adorable… I did NOT think that!), “You’re not eating.”

“Huh? Oh,” WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME!?!?!?!?!? Why can’t I just respond like a normal person!?

“Do you wish to go somewhere else?” he looks at me, with his head tilting a little to the side.

“No, its fine, and don’t even bother trying that cutesy look on me, it won’t work,” finally I say something smart!

He sort of smiles, “I would never dream of, ‘trying the cutesy look’, on you.”

I could feel my right eyebrow shoot up, “Oh really. And I am supposed to believe you because?”

He smirks this time, “I can stun you with my good looks without even trying.”


Everyone stops eating and stares at us, as if we had three heads and making out.

I cough and whisper, “That’s a lie!”

I can tell he’s trying not to smile like that creepy, pedophile looking Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland because we both know that what I just said was a lie. Dammit! I think I’m going to blush again! I fight back the blush and just continue eating as if nothing ever happened.
During the dinner, we talk about stuff, random subjects, but at least it’s better than nothing. And I like the way he uses his hand to show and emphasis what he’s talking about and how his eyes show emotion when he feels strongly enough about and- OH MY GOD! I DID NOT JUST THINK THAT!!! I AM NOT TURNING INTO ONE OF THOSE-

“Is everything alright?”

I return back to reality and see Changmin leaning over me, his face a few inches away from mine, “I’m fine! What are you doing!? Get back to your seat!”

He just stands there and a concerned look comes across his face and his hand is on my forehead, “Are you sure? Are you not feeling well? Do you wish to go home?”

I swat his hand away, “I’m sure, it’s my body, no, I’m ‘feeling well’, and no, I do not wish to go home yet.”

He looks a little crestfallen when I swatted his hand away and I have this sudden urge to hold his hand. I think I need therapy. I blame Junsu for being my boss and making me go on this date, Jaejoong for dragging to go shopping and making me go through all that pain [A/N: Yoochun means: beauty is pain], and Yunho for-

“Yoochun, would like anything in particular for dessert?”

I ponder… “Uh… something with chocolate and not too sweet or light and on the creamy side.”

He chuckles, “Quite picky, aren’t you?”

“Shut up.”

“I am hurt!” He put his hand over his heart.

“That you can’t even say a good comeback?”

He laughs and asks the waiter for the dessert menu as he takes away the plates. He peruses the menu and when the waiter comes back [A/N: I failed to mention this but, the waiter at the beginning and the current waiter are different people], Changmin says some fancy French words and leaves.

The waiter comes back with, I was expecting desserts plural as in two, but he brought back seven. SEVEN!

[link to the seven desserts: one
, two
, three
for the second link, the middle one in the first row and all 3 in the 2nd row]

My eyes bulge out of my sockets, and wondering where I should start.

“I heard that you enjoy sweet things. You can start eating it, you know.”

He didn’t need to tell me twice! I took the spoon and took the one with the strawberry cup and slowly ate it, savoring each scoop of flavor it brought. Slowly, I ate each one, of course making sure to share (even though I didn’t want to).

After we had finished, Changmin went to pay (even though I tried fighting, saying I should pay, too, but he’s stubborn, thick-headed little-) and I stood at the entrance, waiting for him.
Shit. I see that creepy waiter who gave me that weird ass look coming this way. Shit. I can’t hide or anything! There’s no plants or-


Crap. Crap. Crap.

“I was your… uh… greeter earlier, if you don’t remember.

Of course I remember you, you creep.

“I was wondering if you’d like to grab a drink.”

What the fuck.

“No, thanks. I have a date at the moment, if you remember.”

“Oh well,” the bastard fishes out a piece of paper and pen writes down something, “here’s my number-”

“That won’t be necessary,” Changmin’s voice is cold, emotionless, and intercepts the piece of paper, “he’s mine. Leave, now, before you ever regret thinking you could have him.”

That guy leaves after giving my Changmin a dirty look, I just want to kick- WAIT. ’MY’!? WHERE DID THIS ‘MY’ COME IN!?

“Um, thanks. That guy was a creep,” I say quietly.

Changmin grabs onto my hand and waits as the bellhop*** brings round the car. I try to open the door, but Changmin gets to it first and opens it for me.

In the car, it’s awkward. I already thanked him but I can tell he’s pissed. How do I know? His knuckles are white from gripping the steering wheel and he went way past the speed limit.

“HEY! Stop driving like a maniac before the police come!”

He relaxes a bit.

“If you’re pissed about that bastard, you’re not the only one. I would have kicked his-”

“Would you like to go to the beach?”


“Would you like to go to the beach?”
I take off my shoes and walk beside him, and once again have this sudden urge to hold his hand. As if he read my mind, he took my hand. I blushed but hopefully he didn’t see that.

“I saw that.”


We didn’t really say anything after that. This left me time to reflect. Maybe I kinda like him. Just a little. He’s grown on me. He is really hot, polite (even though it bothers me), fun to talk to and-

“Did you enjoy it so far?”

Why does he always cut in the middle of my thoughts?

“I really hope that you are.”

“I am,” I don’t say ‘weirdly enough’ even though it was about to slip… now those words are ringing in my head. I shiver unconsciously, not from the cold, and something warm is wrapped around me. Changmin gave me his coat.

“I’m not some girl so you can have your jacket back.”

“You were cold.”


“I didn’t want you to catch a cold.”

“I don’t catch a cold easily.”



“But I didn’t say anything.”

“But you were implying that I did!”

He chuckles, “I love how you try to pick nonsensical fights.”

I turn away and blush, “Shut up! And they are NOT nonsensical!”

We stop talking and a few minutes later, “You heard me arguing with that girl and you probably heard that last part, didn’t you?”

“Oh… no…” I don’t want to lie to him but… WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME!?!?!?

He can tell I’m lying… I think.

“I’ll take your word for it. You tend to speak the truth.”

Ok, now, I feel really guilty, “Actually I-”


What the hell!? Is it that annoying girl again!?


Changmin’s hold on my hand has gotten a little tighter, as if to say 'don’t believe everything she says'.

“I’ve been looking everywhere for you! But then I thought of your special place that you showed me on our-”

“We were never together. Do I have to say it once more to get it through your thick skull?” he said sternly.

I just stare at the both of them, Changmin’s expression angry and frustration, and the others just smiling, too stupid to know that he doesn’t want her but me. I give up. I may like him. Just a little.

“But oppa… I think… that I’m…”

“That you’re what?”

I bite my tongue to refrain from saying what I really want to say. Sarcastic comments at times like these are not needed… hell with it.

“That you finally realized that you’re a bimbo who needs a brain and so going to the hospital to get one?”

She glares at me, “You. Are you that Park Yoochun?”

Changmin’s grip is even tighter; I try not to wince, “Wow, so you can function without a brain. Congrats, let’s all clap and bow!”

“You whore! You stole him away from me!”

“DON’T YOU EVER CALL HIM THAT,” Changmin yells at her, “If anyone is a whore here, it’s you. Now leave.”

“But I’m pregnant with your, our, child.”


That stupid bastard lied to me.

I really enjoyed last night so I can’t forget it.

His smile is ingrained into my head.

He got that girl pregnant and I hate him!

He lied to me. And to think that I liked him!

“Yoochun! Don’t take it out on the coffee!”

“Huh? What?” As it turns out, I gripping onto the cup and close to spilling over the coffee.

Jaejoong rushes over to my side, “Look, I’ll take care of it. You just go and rest or something.”

He found out everything about the date. How? He, Yunho and Junsu followed us on our date. Yeah, followed. I accused them of stalking but whatever. The date ended in a disaster, I walked away to find them a way off, behind us, but close enough to hear us. They heard everything and just dragged me away while glaring at Changmin and that girl. Changmin didn’t even try to frickin stop me or say anything for that matter.

“Park Yoochun, take the rest of the day off,” my boss stomps over to me, “We’re going to have complaints all day if you do.”

“I’ll clean then,” I manage to mumble out. It’s shocking that I even said that since I hate cleaning.

I grab the nearest plate and start washing it, despite all the yucky crumbs that are now all… soggy and disgusting.

“Coffee, black and Yoochun.”

What the hell!? If it’s him, I swear I’ll-

“Sorry, he’s busy. Maybe never. But you can have the coffee,” Jaejoong says coldly.

It’s him.

“I want to explain.”

“You’ve had your chance last night.”

“But I had to find out the truth first.”

“But reassurance would have been nice. Here you go, one black coffee. You can leave now.”I stop washing the dishes and just stand there. Maybe… an explanation would be in order. After all, he is a polite bastard (isn’t that an oxymoron?).

“You. Talk. Minute.”

He nods and explains to me everything. He is filthy stinking rich cause of his grandparents and left it all to him to last him the rest of his life and his kids and his kid’s kids. As for that… thing, she was a maid at his house (his HOUSE!) and quit, claiming that she would make Changmin hers or something like that no matter what since she's desperate. Well, in my point of view it is. I stopped listening after I saw his expression of regret, sorrow, and maybe hope? And the next thing I know, he pulls something out from his pocket.

[this is what Changmin took out of his pocket

“I’m sorry. At least let this be the good bye gift. But remember that…” he hesitates, deciding whether or not to tell me but then says, “I love you.”


He stops and turns around with a stunned look on his face, I continue ranting however, “YOU WALKED IN HERE WITH A NEW HAIRCUT AND WITH THOSE REALLY HOT CLOTHES AT 8 IN THE MORNING AND YOU LOOKED SO DAMN HOT BUT NOW WHAT!? HUH!?”

He walks over to me and pulls me to him, embracing me, “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!? DIDN’T YOU JUST SAY THAT YOU WERE LEAVING HUH? YOU BASTARD!”

He holds onto me even tighter, murmuring into my ear that he’s sorry.

“EEK! It’s that hot guy from Tuesday! Oh my god! He’s hugging that cute guy!”

I turn to glare at them but then one of them shouted (all those stupid fan girls look the same to me), “I knew it! You owe me 10 bucks! I told you they were a couple!”

“You sooo cheated!”

“Did NOT!”

“She did not cheat!”

“Yeah! Did you see the way that guy was looking at him!?”

“YEAH! He was about to glomp him!”

My eyes widen and blush, “Is… is that true?”

I’m scared to find out the truth.

“Sort of. You were really cute when I saw you from the window outside, sleeping. Also you were really cute when you were grumpy.”


He sighs and pulls me out of his embrace, but still holding onto my arms, “Look, I really am sorry. I don’t know how I’ll ever make it up to you, but please forgive me. I love you.”

I blush once again like a stupid girl and mumble, “You gave me that frickin expensive watch and I just embarrassed you, of course I have to forgive you.”

He smiles.


I was woken up early.

Jaejoong calls me at 8:32 am to tell me that Changmin is on his way over.

2 minutes later Changmin came over while I look like shit.

Jaeho called me and gave me all these tips, most of which were not necessary.

Changmin made me breakfast… Wait, that’s a good thing. Eh, well, whatever. I’m running out of bad things. He made pancakes, scrambled eggs, toast and freshly squeezed orange juice while I was washing up. I walk up behind him and hug him. Weird, I’m still trying to get over the fact that I am doing it.

Changmin turns around and smiles, making my heart skip a beat, leans in…



“Puppy trousers, Chunnie is probably cooking.”


“Silly nose, be quiet.”

They ruined a perfectly good morning (except for waking me up) and my… uh… shit, its embarrassing to even think about.

But my boyfriend here, serenely looks at them as though nothing was about to happen (which is a total LIE) and says good morning and asks if they want any breakfast. They grab a seat as fast they could and look up, expectantly.

I glare at them, silently telling them to make their own plates.

“Hamster nooks, Chunnie is giving me a scawy look!”

“Aw, it’s ok, passion pants, your Jae is here!”


“No weird nicknames,” they drone out.

Changmin kisses me on the cheek, “But I think it’s cute… baby.”

I turned bright red and the Yunjae went ‘aaaawww’. That just made me want to slap them even more.


Much to my dismay, we went for a walk by my apartment complex. I held onto Changmin’s hand, playing the gripping game (the one where you squeeze the person’s hand and he/she does it back and it goes on and on) or whatever it is you want to call it. Not to mention I remembered to bring my jacket this time! But it got too hot so I took it off and of course Min decided on his own to carry it.

I felt Changmin, once again, tighten his grip on my hand.

“What is it this time?”

“That guy…”

I turn to look in the direction he’s looking in, “What guy?”

I don’t see anyone… oh wait, that guy waaay over there in a stupid neon yellow t-shirt, “Pfft, is he trying to advertise for something or is he-”

“Stand behind me, now.”

“What!? Why!?”

“I don’t like the way he’s looking at you.”

“Excuse you!? What did you just say!?”

“I’m looking after my boyfriend.”

“You idiot! You have girls looking at you all the time but I don’t say anything!”

“But they are only women. I can quickly fight them off.”

The guy with the ad-t shirt walks over, winking at Changmin [A/N: its actually Yoochun, but he’s oblivious to these kind of things unless it is blatantly obvious] and hands me his number.

“Are you an idiot? If you’re trying to hit on my boyfriend, then do it correctly and him your number, loser.”

The neon ad shirt loser just blinks and stares while I sneer at him. Trying to hit on my boyfriend, indeed.

“Actually, I was hitting on you.”



“Yunnie, I don’t think he quite caught on!” Jaejoong whispers.

Yunho nods, “Maybe in a few more seconds…”




“In other words,” Changmin once again steps in and ’saving the day’, “He’s mine. Leave, before I make sure you are in the hospital for the rest of your life with a concussion.”

The stupid neon guy left, but not without writing his number on my arm (I have no idea how he managed that, either) and I can hear my boyfriend almost grinding his teeth and itching to go beat him up.


“Chunnie baby! Junsu needs us at the café!”

Changmin’s arms around my waist tightens and sighs in defeat, his head now on my shoulder.

He was about to… blush, kiss me.

“Oooooh,” Jaejoong covers his mouth with his hand, “did you guys need more ‘couple time’? So sorry!”

He walks out backwards.

I sigh, “Sorry Minnie ah, Looks like I have to go.”

“Not without a kiss,” He suddenly pulls me back to him, his lips on mine.

It was a gentle, kind kiss in which he poured all of his emotions into. I kissed him back, our lips moving in harmony-

“Chu..n… uh, sorry! I’ll be uh… out here!”

We broke apart because of stupid Yunho and his bad timing just like his stupid boyfriend.


The stupid girls are back.

They’re making these creepy big eyes thing.

They’re staring at me and Changmin.

Stupid Jaeho is making me want to puke.

Stupid people call in to reserve a frickin muffin or bagel.

“Oh my god! They’re together!?” the one girl in the pink says, since she thinks she’s whispering.

The other girl nods, “Uh huh! They hugged after this HU-YUGE fight!”

“It was so kew-ute!” the one girls who’s in blue sighs, “That is so romantic!”

“Yoochun! Coffee! Muffin! NOW!”

I jump and make the coffee and grab the muffin. I place it on the pick up area and make the next order.

-10 min later

“Schmookiddy toes, I looove you so much!”

“No, I looove you more, mookie baby!”

I sit there, almost puking while Changmin is trying to hide the fact that he’s laughing while the disgusting Jaeho are totally engrossed with each other.

“Ugh, will you two stop before I puke all over you?”

“Baby, that isn’t nice.”

I turn to my right, “So, you done laughing?”

He smiles, “Does my baby need another kiss?”

I blush and my eyes widen, “NO! I’m NOT some kind of BABY that needs to be pampered!”

“Aw but baby,” he whispers into my ear, “I love pampering you, more ways than one.”

“Aaaaw, Ho yah, don’t you think that’s so cute?”


A girl storms into the shop, everything seems to be in chaos and shit. It’s her. She comes straight for me, “You. You’re-”

“Eun Hae, I must ask you to leave at once,” Changmin stands up blocking her from my view.

“NO! I LOVE YOU! WHY CAN’T YOU UNDERSTAND!?” she starts crying.

“Oooh, love crisis!” the same girl in blue whispers.

The girl with a ponytail looks on, interested, “I wonder if she played the ’I’m pregnant!’ stunt.”

She has no idea. I just continue to stare at their squabbling, well actually, the girl yelling and shouting while Changmin… well, from what I can tell, just talking. She’s pissing me off. Wait- did she just say she was LIED ABOUT BEING PREGNANT!?!?!? THAT BITCH!


The bitch looks up and gapes for a second then anger returns, “YOU! YOU DON’T EVEN LOVE HIM! YOU WERE SO RUDE AND DON’T EVEN ACT LIKE YOU LOVE HIM! BUT I DO! I UNDERSTAND HIM BEST! HE-”




Someone pulls me back and I see Changmin, “WHAT!? CAN’T YOU SEE I’M ABOUT TO-”

“Say it again,” his expression serious but full of love, “say it again, please, for me.”

“What? You want me to call you a ’whore’, too?” I’m confused…

Changmin shakes his head slightly, amused, “No, that you love me.”

“Oh,” I turned bright red, “Um… I…. love…. You…”

“What was that, baby? I couldn’t quite hear you.”

I could hear that girl stomping her foot, “I’m still HERE!”

I turn to face her ugly, fake nose, fake eyes, raccoon-eye looking face, “Really now. But shouldn’t you be somewhere, injecting that poison, Botox, into your face so you look ‘younger’? But if you ask me, it’s too late, I mean, you look like you’ve been run over by a monster truck and eaten and spit back out by a- you know what? All you have to do is look in a mirror to see.”

A girl (I don’t know which one) said, “Ooh, he’s good!”

“Yeah! Did you see her face!?”

“I almost died from trying not to laugh!”

“I know!”

“They are such a cute couple!”

“I know!”

“I wonder if-”

I didn’t listen in anymore. Maybe they aren’t so bad [A/N: so the girls were justified! =D]

Yunjae get up from their seats and give me a I’m-scared-so-lets-leave-them-alone-because-Chunnie-can-be-so-mean look.

I look Changmin in the eye after they leave, trying to fight back a blush threatening its way onto my face. I take a deep breath, “I love you, Changmin.”

----The End

minchun, dbsk fic

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