WHO: Denmark, Villads Engstrøm
WHAT: Everyone needs to imbibe in a good ol' fashion smoking habit, even students sometimes.
WHERE: Outside, behind the cafeteria hall.
WHEN: Early afternoon; during class.
WHY: Because smoking is a filthy rotten habit but hot damn you looking awesome doing it. You know, and nicotine is stress reliever not to mention addicting.
[The smoke filtered from his lips and out into the chilled November air. The plume of nicotine-laced heat was enhanced by the temperature that clung to the atmosphere, temperatures that reminded him his home in the early fall. Villads liked to think that he was not addicted to the drug, but a habit was a habit and the heat of the smoke warmed him. Asides it tasted good, and well--that was a reason amongst others to partake in the dirty sport.
Leaning against the wall, one foot propped up onto the brick, his stark blue gaze kept an careful eye out through the haze of the smoke for anyone who might foil his moment of bliss at the end of the white stick. Students, professors, the lot of them, he just wanted a break, was that so hard to ask?]