Winter Break

Dec 18, 2008 06:53

Yay, hooray, I have three weeks off work, because I'm a teacher, and I managed to make it through the first semester! Second semester is longer than the first one, and with fewer breaks, but I won't worry about that, I won't, I won't, I won't... At least not until January. At any rate, it's only Thursday of my first week off. And I've got a lot of practical stuff that needs doing, but it's not nonstop like work, so I have time to play.

'Playing' you understand, in this context, means spending a few kid-free hours (for once) with my sister today. And it means writing fanfics. I made good on two of three Secret Santa prompts for the BatmanxJoker comm. I'm not posting here, because I don't have all that many Batfans on my F-List. But if you should want to check them out, look here or here.

'Playing' is going to continue by meaning trying to write a Y/Y Christmas story for my dear friend Dirj's present, and hopefully managing something sweet with Pegasus or Jervis Tetch for my equally dear Madame Pegasus' birthday on the 21st. We shall see.

How are your Decembers going dears? Tell me, and I will respond, and if it takes me a while, that will be because I am in Barstow.
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