
Aug 12, 2010 23:54

This evening, I taught dance for probably the last time in Atlanta.

Some of the highlights of the evening were running the newbie who I didn't expect to show up through both corner figures and allemande for the first time, not realizing that she hadn't learned Allemande.

I ended up making up a dance for her to learn allemande properly with, based on the number of dancers we had tonight. Ever since I lost that dance that I made up for Jane, which she wanted a copy of, I have resolved to make sure I have a record of the dances I create, especially if people respond well to them.

An Allemande for Melanie (S3x32) 3C Set

1-8: 1st couple cross RH, cast to 2nd place, 2nd couple stepping up on 3 and 4. 1st couple and 3rd couple dance RH Across.
9-16: 1st couple cross LH, cast up to 1st place, 2nd couple stepping down on 11 and 12. 1st couple and 2nd couple dance LH Across.
17-24: 1st couple lead down the middle for four and lead back to 2nd place, staying in the center. 2nd couple step up on 19 and 20.
15-32: 1st couple and 3rd couple dance the Allemande.

Repeat with a new active couple.

Not the most interesting dance, but I think it worked well, especially for my purposes.

Another dance we did that I wrote is one I specifically devised, and we tweaked before.

Prospero's Storm (R8x32) 3C (4C set)
1-4: 1st couple cross by the right and cast off into the center in 2nd place, passing left shoulders to end back to back in the center facing own sides. 2nd couple step in and up on 3 and 4.
5-12: Double Triangles
13-16: 1st couple set and 1/2 turn and twirl to face 1st corners.
17-24: Set to and turn corners.
25-32: 6 bar reel of 3 on the sides, beginning with 1st couple giving left shoulder to 1st corner. Cross by the right.

Repeat having passed a couple.

We danced it to Sleepy Maggie, which is a great tune for it. It is essential to get those first four bars done in four bars. The cross should probably be one bar so that you have time for the rest. If you get there in time, then the double triangles feel like they fit the music, even though they straddle two phrases.


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