Connections by
sga_santa This is a cute little gen fic about daily life and, you guessed it, connections. It focuses on Radek and his relationship with others. Short and sweet and subtly moving.
Rituals by Lady Anne
This fic is also gen. It's a different take on the 'silly alien rituals' tale, because its one that makes actual sense (unlike AMTDI). I love the banter and the relationship between John and Rodney here. There's no orgasms, but the closeness is very nearly as satisfying.
How We Spent Our Summer Vacation by
medie Okay, this rec might be a little biased, considering that the fic was written as a response to my request for
sg_rarepairings, but even if I hadn't requested it, I would have loved this fic. The two pairings are Sheppard/Mitchell and McKay/Cadman. The character voices are all spot on here and its a big shift from the usual 'The Return' fics in which McKay and Sheppard take a road trip, call each other and get it on, not just because of the other pairings. There's more humor in the storytelling here (with an excellent use of narration) and yet the feeling of homesickness is very well articulated. The author chooses to focus on the idea of living in a holding pattern instead of a more angsty pained versions that a lot of other fics like this tend to highlight. I also applaud the way the two relationships are expressed. Sheppard and Mitchell have history and they deal with it in their typical manly suffering-in-silence sort of way. But at the same time, the author manages to highlight their differences in a way that isn't really shown on screen when they're both the football-loving all-american flyboy beating up the bad guys and laughing in the face of danger. And I love that the McKay/Cadman relationship doesn't involve duet at all, like that doesn't have to be an issue with them, as I don't think Cadman would let it be. But the banter that made Duet so great is still present and accounted for. All in all, I couldn't have asked for a better response to my request.
And Here is the Place Where You Put Down Roots by
sga_santa Man am I a sucker for a well-written Ronon fic. This fic is incredibly teamy, so much so that its surprising when it becomes OT4, but then the sex question becomes a quiet dilemma instead of all out angst. A very well done little fic.
As Good As It Gets by
sga_santa This is a great concept, especially the ending. I have to admit that I found the lead up a little bit strange. Perhaps because I read it immediately following the above OT4 fic, but I felt the team was a little creepily close with the whole meditation thing (It's just not something I can picture). But the idea of this fic is excellent and terrifying at the same time.
Picking Up the Pieces by philote
Another short gen fic, just a scene really. This fic is about the way losing Ford effected the team. Even though the main event is the team packing up Ford's stuff and revealing some of his personality in his personal effects it is as much a character study of Sheppard as it is of Ford. I think that for a story in general (not a fic) it fixates on a pretty common theme, but I like it for the additional insight it gives to these particular characters.
Do No Harm by
sga_santa This fic was wonderful. It's gen, about Carson, who is a character I really dislike on the show (and I dislike writing him too), but it does a good job of providing an ethical depth to the decisions that he's made with the retrovirus instead of the cookie-cutter Doc McCoy routine we get most of the time. This fic really follows the idea that a lot of doctors deal with the power they're given with a kind of 'right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing' kind of strategy. Some parts of Carson feel guilt and know he's crossing a line, and yet as he takes steps down a very slippery slope, he doesn't seem to really register where all of this is going. This fic is dark without being truly dark, and really illuminates the drug testing process and how this must have played out on Atlantis. The author is involved in the field hirself and you can really tell. This brings up probably the reason that despite the fact that I love biology, I would never become a Doctor and especially not a researcher - even if those of us who have gone the political science route can believe in the utilitarian answer to the Jim and the Indians question, I wouldn't want to be the one pulling the trigger. This is an excellent fic, well worth reading even though it lacks porn. Also, a big hoorah for a well-explicated OC that actually helps the plot significantly.