Jan 16, 2010 22:00
I have a cold. Ick. I'm very snotty and sneezy and slightly like a zombie. I'm a bit spacey at the moment.
My parents were super nice yesterday and took Dan and I out to a fancy restaurant called Lannings to celebrate our engagement. Dad said that they decided they would take us there when that whole thing finally did happen. It was very nice and I had a good time, but I wish I was able to enjoy it more. There was a lot of nose running and sneezing on my part, but I was determined to enjoy myself and I did! A massive dose of Nyquil helped me sleep very well through the night and made me goofy until late morning. That stuff does not wear off quickly.
We're planning on getting married next August, as we need to buy a house first, so at the moment I feel like I can plan a bit slowly. I don't have many ideas and I keep trying to get an idea of what I want-colors, reception, location, dresses. Honestly, every time I look, I get more bored! These things all look the same to me! Well, not the same, but I'm already slightly dreading dress shopping. And I don't even have to look for a year! Also, I keep thinking of little things that could make everything go horribly wrong and causing minor spaz attacks. It's not for a year and a half! Is that normal?!
I'm enjoying showing off my ring, especially since I only get to wear it on the weekends. Dan said I should hold it up to people and say "Check out mah bling mothafuckas!" Well, I think I added the "mothafuckas" part. I have a tiny bit more class than that, though! Last week it made me so sad to take it off on Sunday night! I know I look at nasty little diamonds all day at work, but a nice one in a unique setting really does look gorgeous. I will gladly post a picture, if anyone wants to see it! Again...I am enjoying showing it off. After dinner on Saturday, my Dad had me show it off to the girl who checked our coats! Then my mom kept talking to her about wedding plans because she said she was getting married in May. All the while me, Dad and Dan kept trying to edge out the door. I desperately wanted to take Nyquil and go to bed and she's discussing a complete stranger's flowers! This is going to be a very interesting year and half! Well, I'm guessing it'll be more of a crazy and stressful year and a half.