A Meme snagged from secresolitaire who snagged it from magnetic_pole

Aug 23, 2017 14:39

5 things you’ll find in my bag:
Wallet_Keys_Auto registration_Phone_Reusable bag

5 things you’ll find in my bedroom:
Holiday books_Clothes_Aaron's Mother's Day cards on display_Some of my favorite framed things (my father's drawings, his mother's needle point)_Some of my more breakable collectables

5 things I’ve always wanted to do:
Publish a children's book (working on it)_Live in New York (not working on it)_Live high up in a tall tall and modern building_Take my family to Europe_See my drawings in a gallery

5 things that make me happy:
Reading_Doing events with my family_My bookclub_Drawing_Finding sane voices in an otherwise insane country

5 things I’m currently into:
My Mission101_A udemy course called The Ultimate Drawing Course_Reading The Ice and Fire series_Working on my kid's book

5 things on my to-do list:
Today's list includes, but is not limited to:
          Prune back 2 agapanthus by driveway_Write an entry in Aaron's journal_Make an entry to online journal (see this)_Do speed drawing (this is sketching for 30 mins using only a #2 pencil & an eraser form life or photos)_Dust den tables & clean under den sofa & chair cushions

Now you!!

And done is done **

mi familia, my art, #2, mission101, meme, books

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