"Coup de Foudre" 100

Apr 09, 2015 15:11

Michael arrives at the house.

By Gaedhal

Pittsburgh, July 2016

Michael pulled up to the house Brian was renting just before 4:00. He’d left Josh in charge of the store. He hoped that wasn’t a mistake. The kid hadn’t been working there that long and although he was a real comic book geek, his business sense was at zero. He knew how to run the cash register, answer the phone, and lock the door before he left - although Michael would definitely check before he went home - but that was it. Hopefully, if anything big came up, he’d call Michael. Hopefully.

Justin came out of the garage just as Michael was getting out of the car.

“Hey! Is everything okay?” Michael was suddenly worried because Justin looked worried. Very worried.

“Listen, can I talk to you before we go in? Let’s walk over here, out of the way.”

Now Michael really was worried. “Sure. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” said Justin. “Well, not really wrong, but…”

“Jesus! Brian only got home yesterday! Is he all right?” Michael’s voice went up an octave.

“No, it’s not Brian so much. So far, so good,” said Justin. “It’s Gus. He’s… not very cooperative.”

“No kidding,” said Michael, rolling his eyes. “If the way he was acting the other night at the meeting is any indication, he needs an attitude adjustment - fast. But he’s 15, what do you expect?”

“I know,” Justin agreed. “You saw how emotional and upset he is about everything that’s happened. I get that. But Brian is going to need a lot of down time to heal - the doctors were very clear on that - and, frankly, Gus doesn’t do down time very well. Since Brian went into the hospital, Gus has barely left the house and he’s starting to go stir crazy. He’s driving Carmel nuts, he’s bickering with me, and I’m afraid he’d going to get into it with Brian very soon. Brian doesn’t have any shields on his emotions and probably won’t until he starts working with the cognitive therapist. So he tends to say things that are a little…”

“Mean? Nasty? Cutting?” Michael offered. “Like old cranky Brian?”

“And new cranky Brian,” said Justin. “The thing is, I think Ron must have made certain that Brian’s tendency to… how do I say it?”

Michael smiled grimly. “Speak before he thinks?”

“Yes, that,” said Justin. “I’m thinking that Ron was the Good Cop, whenever Brian was the Bad Cop. I’m just guessing, but from what I know about the way Brian and Gus interact, they’ve always needed a referee. The two of them are too much alike.”

“That’s no surprise,” said Michael. “Like father, like son.”

“And now that Brian’s… healing - well, things are really on edge. Maybe before Gus could brush off things Brian said and did. I know I had to learn to ignore stuff that really hurt me. You know that no one can stick the knife in where it hurts the worst better than Brian Kinney.”

Michael nodded. “Tell me about it. Or Ted. Or Emmett.”

Justin instinctively touched his head, right where the fading scar was. “Which means I have to think of ways to get Gus out of the house, at least for a couple of hours a day. If we’re all here, stuck inside together 24/7, something’s going to blow - and soon!”

“I understand what you mean,” said Michael. “Wasn’t Gus supposed to go to soccer camp or something? Is there something like that around here he can do?”

Justin sighed. “I thought of that already and it’s too late in the summer to get him signed up. Which is another thing - school is coming up and Gus still isn’t enrolled anywhere.”

“And he wants to go to St. James,” said Michael.

“To put it simply - yes,” said Justin. “He’s made that very clear.”

“But what about Brian?” Michael asked. “I thought Brian was against it because of… well…”

“Yeah, me getting bashed in the head is a factor,” said Justin. “Although technically I didn’t get bashed at St. James. I got bashed in a parking garage downtown. Still… the main thing is that I don’t even know how to talk to Brian about this. He might not even remember that Gus wants to go there. He may be fine with it - or he may freak out.”

“I think you’re going to have to be direct and ask him,” said Michael. “But if Gus really wants to go to St. James, it might make him more… what’s the word? Amenable? Cooperative? He’ll be looking forward to going back to school instead of fighting everybody about a school he doesn’t want to go to. You should send him over to live with Ma and he can go to the old high school Brian and I went to! He’d really hate that!”

“I know,” said Justin. “Gus is a such a little snob about going to a private school, although some of Deb’s tough love might whip the kid into shape!”

“You and me both!” Michael laughed. “But seriously - if he’s forced to go somewhere other than St. James, he might act out even more. That’s what teenage boys do. You should ask me about what Ben and I went through with Hunter!”

“You’re right,” said Justin. “Gus definitely wants St. James and if that’s where he’ll be happiest, then… Jesus! I don’t care. I just don’t want him to be miserable. The kid’s already been through so much. I know he’s hurting, but he just keeps lashing out.”

“He probably needs to talk to a therapist,” Michael suggested.

“I’ve thought of that,” said Justin. “But there’s so much else going on with Brian and his therapy! Maybe I should ask Alex Wilder about a family therapist and get a package deal for all of us!”

Michael raised an eyebrow. “That actually might not be a bad idea.”

“And there’s still the problem of keeping Gus occupied until school starts.” Justin paused. “I know it’s a lot to ask, but…”

“Spit it out,” said Michael.

“I know Hunter used to work at your store when he was in high school. Taking out trash, opening boxes, sweeping up, that kind of thing. So I was wondering…”

“You want me to ‘hire’ Gus to do busy work around the store?”

“It doesn’t have to be a lot of hours,” Justin pleaded. “Maybe a few afternoons a week?”

“What about his so-called job at Kinnetik?” Michael asked. “Doing busy work there?”

“Without Brian in the office everyday it wouldn’t work. Cynthia basically told me that they didn’t need him and Ted refuses to babysit him. I can’t blame Ted - he’s got enough on his hands.”

Michael made a face. “So now I’m the designated babysitter?”

“You don’t have to,” said Justin. “But it’ll help me. And it’ll help Brian. I know you said you’d do what you could. This is something you can do. I know it’s a lot to ask, but…”

“It’s not a lot to ask,” said Michael. “Brian’s done so much for me, and for Ma, and even for poor Uncle Vic, over all these years. I can always find stuff for him to do. I’m sure he’s smarter than poor Josh.”

“Who’s that?”

Michael rolled his eyes. “The kid I left in charge of my store so I could come over here! If he doesn’t burn the place down or let every kid in Pittsburgh walk off with half my inventory it’ll be a miracle. I know Gus would do a better job than that.”

“Does that mean yes?”

“Of course! Holy shit, JT! What do you think?”

“Which reminds me, did you bring over those panels? I haven’t forgotten that we are supposed to be working together again on Rage.”

Michael looked at Justin with surprise. “I thought with every that’s happening you wouldn’t want to do it.”

Justin smiled ruefully. “I’ve been thinking about it and working on the strip might take my mind off things. Since I’m taking time off from Kinnetik, I need something to focus on that isn’t Brian’s accident, and Brian’s recovery, and Brian’s son!”

“I hate to remind you, but Rage IS Brian,” Michael pointed out.

“I know, but I need to draw,” Justin admitted. “I need something to keep me from going crazy. Plus, I owe you. I know I was pretty shitty about how things ended with us. But it’s not too late. I can still draw Rage better than anyone else.”

“I agree. And I’ve been thinking of ways to bring JT back from the dead!”

“To de-disintegrate him?” said Justin. “Because I hate being dead. And I think Rage would like JT to come back, too. He hasn’t had a good sex scene since you killed me off.”

“That’s your opinion!” Michael opened his backpack. “Hey, before we go inside I wanted to check with you about these movies. You said nothing too flashy or loud. Nothing that might upset Brian. So I brought ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ - that’s not too loud. And Brian and I used to love that movie when we were kids.”

“Yeah,” said Justin. “It’s okay. What else have you got?”

“Some comedies. You suggested the Marx Brothers, so I brought ‘A Day at the Races.’ Ben had a copy. And this collection of Three Stooges shorts. I love the Stooges and I know Brian used to. It’s stupid adolescent humor. So even Gus might enjoy them.”

“Maybe,” said Justin. “What are these? I said no video games.”

Michael pulled out the games to show Justin. “Old school only! Nothing flashy. No explosions.”

“Dr. Peretti said video games might trigger seizures.”

“These won’t,” said Michael. “Pong. Pac-Man. Super Mario Brothers. Like when I was ten! They’re still fun.”

“I haven’t seen these since I was a kid,” Justin marveled. “I guess they’re okay. They might even get Gus interested.”

“That’s what I’m hoping,” said Michael. “Sometimes the simple pleasures are the best.”

“Right. Which is why we’re ordering pizza for dinner. Even Carmel agreed.”

“Great!” said Michael. “Well… shall we enter the Dragon’s Lair?”

“After you,” said Justin. “And thanks, Michael. For everything.”

coup de foudre, michael, brian, fanfiction, justin, qaf, gus

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