Old Business, New Business

Aug 28, 2009 23:33

We're getting to the climax of "The Enchanted Cottage." One thing I can ( Read more... )

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Comments 50

fraserette August 29 2009, 04:00:18 UTC
I rather have shorter chapters if it means the story continues!


xineko August 29 2009, 04:07:28 UTC
I don't care how it happens - I've been waiting for an update on QI forever - and am pining for what happens next!!!
(I do not put in extra exclaimators lightly, either!)

Since it's been my long habit to catch the QI updates via LJ, it wouldn't impact how I follow the story a whit. And if it shortens the chapters, well...some of the best chapters of QT, QR, and QI are shorter ones, imho.

Whatever gets more story quicker - that's the main thing. As long as you keep writing it, I will be here - reading...and wanting more!


gaedhal August 29 2009, 05:57:34 UTC
The thing is -- "QI" has never been on Live Journal. I
only posted the link to the website here. The actual
stories have never been posted on LJ. When the site went
down, the entire Stream went down.

And is still down.


wren_kt7oz August 29 2009, 04:17:09 UTC
Speaking personally - would just like to see it continue. I mean ... it's been a constant in my life for a long time now and I'm keen to see where this arc takes us. I have dark forebodings, but I also have hope ... and faith ...

I also tend to catch up with the story on lj and while the shorter chapters may be a little less satisfying ... there might be more of them ... ????

(One can always hope *g*)


gaedhal August 29 2009, 05:59:38 UTC
It's been the one constant in my life, too! Which is why I
can't abandon it now.

I know a lot of readers hiked after "Queer Realities" ended.
That's natural. It's like, okay -- enough already! But others
were still reading -- or came into it recently (or at least
until cyberlimbo!).


camelhaircoat August 29 2009, 04:23:39 UTC
First I have to say that I'll be sorry when "The Enchanted Cottage" ends, no matter how it resolves itself. I find myself checking for an update on it everyday as soon as I log in. It's grabbed and held my attention in a big way. I'm disappointed that it won't be 60 chapters long, LOL.

Now onto "QI." Please do not consider suspending the story or even just finishing the latest arc. I of course love the long, involved chapters whenever we get them and would be sad to feel the dynamics change, but understand that you need to do what's best for you and most reliable over the long term. Certainly the sacrifice would be worth the continuation of my favorite story.


gaedhal August 29 2009, 06:03:08 UTC
It's weird that "QI" is still living in 2003 -- in "QT" time it's only
been a year and a half since "Lasagna" -- but it's been seven years
in real time. That leads me to believe it's going too slowly. But
people liked the longer chapters -- or told me they did. But it
certainly takes longer to write and beta them -- and unlike a
"hit and run" story like "BB&C" or "EC" I always rewrite and beta
the "QI" chapters.


flamencanyc August 29 2009, 04:27:48 UTC
Whatever keeps it going is fine with me. No reason you can't post long chapters here. You'd just need to break them across several posts.

As for this:
The problem is that until the site comes back up, the
entire backstory is in cyberlimbo, making catching up with it impossible.

You could upload it here either as posts (which would be a nightmare to do) or as a link to a downloadable pdf or Word file containing the whole thing (much easier). And if you don't have the whole thing saved, I do.


gaedhal August 29 2009, 06:05:31 UTC
Links to PDF files of "QT" and "QR" and "QI" have been posted
here -- not by me, but by someone who knows how to do that sort
of thing!

I have all my stories saved in both Word Perfect and Word -- and
they are mammoth files! LOL!


flamencanyc August 29 2009, 06:09:33 UTC
Great! Then why is "catching up with it impossible"?


akasha_lilian August 29 2009, 09:24:12 UTC
Can you link me to those PDF files, cause I'd love to reread at some point?!!

As for the question, I lik the longer chapters dynamic more. I can see how shorter chapters quicken the process, but I'm usually more satisfied with longer chapters, but then again that's only me.


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