Old Business, New Business

Aug 28, 2009 23:33

We're getting to the climax of "The Enchanted Cottage." One thing I can
promise -- this won't go 60 chapters and there won't be a sequel. When
this story ends, that's it. Finis!

That said, I have some decisions to make about the future of "Queer Identities."
The story, which has always been my Main Stream, has been on hold since spring.
This happened not on purpose, but due to bad luck. First, I was finishing up
an extremely busy Spring Semester and didn't have time to deal with too many
10 page chapters (which is the average for "QI") and I was also concluding
"Bell, Book, and Candle." My intention was to get up to snuff on "QI" over
the summer.

Then my site went down. With about a two week window at the beginning of August,
it's been down continuously since the end of May. To say it's frustrating
is an understatement, but I've dealt with that in an earlier post, so I
won't revisit it. Not to have the fics available for people to read is a
pain in the ass, especially since I get e-mails regularly from people
trying to access it and I'm sick of explaining the problem -- or trying
to, since I don't really understand it myself!

But the bottom line is what to do about "Queer Identities." The simplest
thing to do would be to suspend the story -- easy, yes, but that would
satisfy no one, including me. I've been writing this story since April
2002 and I'm not ready to give up on it. Maybe it's run its course,
but people are still reading it -- or they were! And I think I should
at least finish out the arc I started before throwing in the towel.

One possibility is to move "QI" to the LJ and post there. I'd still
post to the website (assuming it's available!), but I wouldn't need to
rely on it. The problem is that until the site comes back up, the
entire backstory is in cyberlimbo, making catching up with it impossible.
The other problem (?) is that the chapters would be shorter. That could
be a plus -- the story would move forward more quickly -- but it would
certainly change the feel and dynamics of "QI" -- some might like that,
others, not so much.

So -- your thoughts? That's what the LJ is for -- your 2 cents. I'm
open to suggestions.

And -- to visualize:

There's no turning back...

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