
Nov 06, 2008 09:18

Last night I got a call from my mom that my uncle's landlord had called her and that she thought they had found his body in his apartment. My uncle has had many problems throughout the years, most of them undiagnosed mental issues. Last week, at his insistance, my mom drove up from Macon to Atlanta to take him to a lawyer to draw up his will. He had untreated hep c, smoked heavily, was so paranoid that he was sure that he had been poisoned by people ranging from the mafia to city of Atlanta officials, and was generally a sad, lonely man.

According to the invesigator with the medical examiner's office, he most likely died within hours of my mom dropping him back off at his apartment Friday. What I can't seem to get out of my head is how incredibly sad it is that he didn't have anyone in his life that saw him on a daily basis to know that he was gone before the landlord noticed the mail piled up yesterday. I can't imagine being dead for 5 days before someone noticed. My mom had been trying to call him, but his way was to make her worry and call her back after a week or more. She was already contemplating having the sherrif check on him yesterday before she got the call from the landlord.

The autopsy is today. The general consensus is that it will show a heart attack. He was 59 years old and died on what would have been his father's birthday...10-31-08.

Sigh...everyone take care of each other. Check in often and make sure you let people know you care.
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