Those darn nudges work, MJ!

Oct 01, 2006 11:29

I haven't thought twice about updating til I got another nudge. Guess I'm out of touch with the internet world these days. That seems odd. Anywho....

So, still looking at houses. David seems harder to please than me - another odd thing. But thats ok. We will find the perfect one eventually. I just hope its before the end of the month! Job hunt is still going too. I applied for a couple new positions this past week - investigator is one and I totally hope I might have a chance. We'll see. Work is still the same. I had a talk with my supervisor last week (shes not really a supervisor though, just like another member of the HR team) and she had "no idea" why I had changed my attitude towards the people there and all that jazz. I told her I was tired of working with people that I trusted and turn around and talk about me and my family behind my back - not to mention that things that were said are complete lies. She had no idea it was her I was talking about. The atmosphere is a bit better - but that by no means indicates that I'm staying there. She mentioned she thought I had been looking for a job elsewhere - I fended that one off.

Other than all that - nothing much new. I'm traveling to GA Southern for a job fair this week for a couple days. That'll be good to get out of the office. It's so freaking mundane and boring, I swear.

I'm off to do a bit of shopping. Leave me some love! ♥
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