May 26, 2010 00:33
Eiko has set up a tradition at her company, Random Access Technologies. Every division gets to pick their own unofficial motto, as part of the whole 'thinking outside the box is not just paid lip service here'.
Weaponry is "God's in his Heaven 'cause he's afraid what we might have in the Armory."
Transportation is "When Fed Ex Can't Do It, We Figure Out How"
Energy Systems is "Anti-matter? Pshaw."
Medical is "Victor Stopped Early"
Environmental is "And on the fourteenth day, we handed God a margarita and started fixing stuff."
Protective Systems is "Does whatever an iron can".
Computers is "Daisy, give me your answer... in the form of a question."
Communication is "If you can read this, ergl flook smorf."
Facilities is "yeah, yeah, and we form the head" (they don't have massive research facilities or do the impossible, but everyone else in the company needs them to function).