Title: Birds- a Chacha’s cats story
Author: shyone
Genre: fluff; friendship; humor
Pairing: none
Summary: Eneru learns about chasing birds
a/n: it’s spring; enjoy
It was a beautiful late-spring day. Sunny and finally warm enough to open the sliding glass wall to the veranda. Kamui strolled out and sat down beside Yu. He gazed lazily out over the garden and cocked his head. "What's he doing?”
Eneru was running around alternately sniffing and watering every plant in the garden, and barking his head off.
Yu stretched out one leg and touched Kamui’s. “Chasing birds.”
“All this barking, there shouldn’t be a bird anywhere in the neighborhood.” Kamui scanned the garden. “I don’t see any.”
Eneru, who had flopped down to roll in the grass, jumped up and started barking again.
Yu and Kamui followed Eneru’s gaze and looked up.
“Oh, for god’s sake!” Kamui grumbled. He stood up and stretched, then made his way across the yard to where the dog was scampering back and forth, barking.
He crouched down, tail swishing, ears laid flat, back feet twitching as he readied to pounce on the barking puppy. He sprang forward, rolling himself and Eneru over and over. Then he stood up and playfully batted Eneru in the nose. “Enetan, you can’t keep barking at birds that are just flying by in the sky.”
Hmm, why indeed? “Because they’re just passing by, they’re not going to hurt you or your dad. Like I am if you don’t knock it off! You’re giving me a headache.”
“Oh. Okay.” Eneru shook his head, which in turn shook his whole body, and trotted off to the veranda where he flopped down beside Yu.
Yu stood up and stretched, arching his back high. He rubbed his head against Eneru’s, and sniffed his nose. “Did Kamui explain why you can’t catch the birds in the sky?”
“Yeah,” Eneru said as he licked Yu’s nose. “He’s got a headache, and he’s gonna bite Dad.”