[One shot] Fireworks

Oct 13, 2010 23:15

Title: Firework [One shot]
Author: gabs_yuuya
Rating: G
Pairing: GTOP (Kwon Jiyong/Choi Seunghyun)
Genre: fluff, angst, song fic
Disclaimer: I can only dream of having those boys so I write to make myself happier ^^
Summary: Sometimes Jiyong feel the worst person in the world, especially with the pressure of the new Big Bang album coming out. And in those times Jiyong goes to Seunghyun to make his magic, and send it all away.
Authors note Hum well this is my first GTOP ever and it had come to me after listening to the song called Firework by Kate Perry, because I think it totally fits Jiyong. I have been loving GTOP since I got to know Big Bang but never had tried to write about them before, so please be kind with my baby xD


In the middle of the night I’m sudden awake feeling my bed moving and soon I feel cold fingers pressing against mines and the light pressure of your tin frame against my chest. I don’t need to open my eyes to know it’s you; you have the sweet smell of the creams I know you use after getting out the shower.

“What’s wrong baby Ji?” I whisper while caressing your soft hair that had just turned red, after the hundred time you changed the color. “Feeling lonely in your bed even with Tom and Laura there with you?” I try to joke with those freaky sheets you got, but then you scare me when you don’t snap back at me like you always do, you just keep silence for a while, and that worries me, and now I know something must be bothering you.

“Do you ever feel like a plastic bag Hyung?” You suddenly say almost like a whisper against my chest.

“Like what Ji?” I ask looking down at you trying to see something in your expression, using with the din light of the full moon outside that manages to enter between the heavy curtains. But you aren’t looking up at me you’re playing with the little cord that come of my hood.

“Like a plastic bag Hyung, a plastic bag that is just drifting through the wind.” You say still playing with the cord; I don’t know what to say so I just wait for you to keep saying, because I know that right now you just need me to listen to you. You had always been like this, suddenly snuggling into my lap like I’m a safe place to stay, and I want to be that safe place for you, so a place my arms around your waist and pull you closer to me.

“I just feel like wanting to start again, you know? We didn’t have a album for so long but at the same time I feel so paper thin Hyung, like I’m just a house of cards that is just one blow from caving in.” You keep saying as I caress your back, like to make sure you know I’m still here with you, and then you look at me, and I don’t like what I see in your eyes.

“I’m scared Hyung, I’m scared that people won’t understand what I worked so hard to make, I’m scared of what people will do with our songs.” You say staring deep into my eyes and I can see the hurt flashing there again. All the times they had hurt you before, and I can’t help but flinch when I think that could happen to you again, just like with your album then the concert, and like reading it in my eyes you say “You know I can’t deal with it again, I can’t be strong enough another time seeing people crush my dreams.”

“I know Ji…” I whisper against your hair now turning us around so we’re facing each other and I can really hold you close to my chest.

“I feel already buried deep… six feet under screams, screams that I don’t want to hear even though I know they will come, but no one seems to hear a thing.” You say, pressing your face into my chest, I know you want to hide the tears that are forming there.

“Maybe I can’t hear the same screams as you Ji, but I’m here to hear you.” I whisper against your ear “And don’t let those things get over you babe, because you should know that there’s still a chance for you!” You look curious at me not really getting what I’m saying, and that cute look you gave me makes a smile come to my lips.

“Cause there’s a spark in you!” I say and I know you still don’t get it, so I just got up and pull you with me. “I’m going to show you!” I grab your hand and pull you out of the room. I hear you complaining that you are not dressed to go out and I look to your black and orange, with zebra like prints, sweatpants and white loose ripped shirt and I smirk.

“Stop Ji, you want to wake up the others? And you look adorable like this.” I quick kiss you before you can complain even more and I like the way you reply the kiss, like you always do. “And where I’m taking you, you will be the only diva around baby!” I say when we break apart but I kiss you once more to stop the shout that I know will come, since you hate when I call you diva.

When I manage to get you dizzy enough with the long kiss I pull you behind me out the door and get us inside the elevator. We go up to the rooftop of our building; I know you didn’t have time to see it after they ended changing it. Since you only come home to sleep a few hours at night, well you come when you don’t sleep at YG record room, having passing out in the couch.

When we get there is all dark, just like I know it should be and you punch me lightly in the chest.

“What are we doing here Hyung? There’s nothing here lets go back…” You say already turning around to leave but even in the dark I manage to grab your arm and bring you to me and lock our lips once more. I turn you around and hug you by your waist before whispering against your ear.

“We’re here so I can show you that there’s a spark in you.” I say making you move forward with me. “You just gotta ignite the light…” I keep whispering to you when the first lamp illuminates the floor in front of your feet’s. I know they are doing that because they got movement sensors but you don’t know and a love when you give a little squeal when they keep lighting as we walk “And let it shine babe… Just own the night, like is the American Fourth of July.”

I let go of you and let you keep walking on your own, your smile is shining even brighter under the lights, and I can hear you squeal again when you reach the center of the roof and all the lights lighten all together around you. I love the way you spun around amazed when you see the illuminated garden around you, I bet for you that is seeing it for the first time, it looks like an oasis in the middle of the thousands of building that surround our own building.

“What? How? When?” You suddenly ask confused while turning again to me and stretching your hand towards me which and grab and pull you closer to hug you.

“You have been gone for long Ji, but now you could see how something especial can exits where you less expect.” I say smiling down to you while you put your hands around my neck.

“Thank you …” You whisper against my lips when you tiptoe to press them against mines.

“Ji... I brought you here, to show you something new is what make us shocked and exited at the same time. You don't have to feel like a waste of space, you my love you're original, you cannot be replaced. You are the one that makes me, Bae, and the Makanaes keep fighting babe, we keep going because of you.”

“You should be scared, I’m too and I know the others are as well, because we don’t know what will happen, if you only knew what the future holds…” I keep smiling to you “If you had that kind of skill would be really easier on us you know Kwon Leader?”

I can’t help but grin when I see you pouting to me. And I get another punch from you after that but you’re smiling, and that make my heart jump faster in my chest, I know somehow I’m managing to make you even a little happier just now.

“But even you don’t have it, we love you and we know that even if something bad happen we will stuck together with you no matter what. Like people use to say, after a hurricane comes a rainbow!”

“It always comes right?” You says still smiling before kissing me again, with those soft lips I wish I could kiss each and every day, hour or minute. I lift you in my arms and carry you bride style to a bench under some small tress, I sit there with you over my lap, your arms never leaving my neck, making our faces so close we can keep feeling each other breaths.

“You know Ji maybe you're the reason why all the doors are closed…” I say after a while where we’re just looking to everywhere and nowhere at the same time. You look up at me confused and a little annoyed.

“You’re saying that’s my fault that the bad things happen to us?” You ask lifting a brown to me.

“Like always, you never waits me end what I’m saying!” I joke pinching your cheek. “Again maybe they’re closed so you can open one that leads you to the perfect road, and I know you’re the right one to open the doors for us, one after the other. And each time you do that like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow. And when it's time, you'll know, and you won’t even mind all the bad things you had to pass before.

Your eyes are shinning even more now than they normally do, and I wish I could know what is passing in your mind right now as you just keep staring at me.

“Like I told you before Ji you just gotta ignite the light and let it shine.”

“Hyung you make it sound like I can do anything…”

“I make it sound like that because its true Ji, you can do anything! Cause baby you're a firework!"

"Come on show 'em what your worth! You Know Jiyong can make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!” as you shoot across the sky!”

You giggle in my arms and I lift moving you so you can sit in the bench while I got up and turn again to face you. I open my arms widely and shout to the sky:

“Baby you're a firework! Come on let your colors burst!” You keep giggling as I try to spun around with my arms still open but I fail and almost fell, but I don’t care if I’m making a full of myself if I’m making you smile like you’re right now.

“You my love can make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"” I keep saying and moving around after each “oh” making shocked faces to you.

“You're gonna leave 'em fallin' down-own-own” I try to move down smoothly like I see you and the guys doing, but I end up with my goofy movements that you know so well and burst laughing like you’re doing right now.

“You can make everything go boom, boom, boom” I shout once more and jump along making something that had turn out a strange dance that seems to be amusing you. I love the way you laugh, I always did, and that smile of yours that shouldn’t leave your lips, ever.

“When you’re on the stage you’re even brighter than the moon, moon, moon” I move my arms up almost synchronized and I move close to you gasping because I shouldn’t be moving around after had just waking up in the middle of the night. I pull you up by your hands and you’re still giggling in my arms.

“Ji it's have always been inside of you… you… you…” I kiss your lips after each word “And now it's time to let it through and see the world see it Ji. Let them see how awesome I know you’re baby.” I whisper smiling over your lips and you smile back at me before saying.

“You always know what I just need to listen you know that?” you say lifting a brow “And for that and many other wonderful reasons you’re the best boyfriend I could ever ask… well the most silly one too.” You giggle once more and I need to shout a angered “Hey!” to you but you silence me with your lips and I don’t mind at all that sneaky way of yours to make me forget I should scold you.

“And with the best goofy dances too, you should use it for a solo latter!” You mock me once more, like you always love to do so.

“My goofy dances are only for you baby!” I wink and give you a killer smile making you giggle even more.

“Good you know I like exclusivity! Choi Seunghyun is all mine!” I can’t help but grin every time that spoiled part of you comes out. Once more I lift you in my arms and start to carry back to the elevator.

“What are you doing Hyung?” You ask pouting when we reach the elevator.

“I’m taking you for an exclusive time in my bed. Didn’t you say you like exclusivity?” I grin while stepping inside the elevator.

“Oh yeah especially if it involves, a messy bed and clothes spread around the floor!” You whisper against my ear sending a shivers down my back.

“Strangely how this is what I just had in mind…” I mock while wishing for the elevator go down faster.

“If that’s so let’s start it and kiss me already Hyung!” You pull me by my hood locking our lips even before I can say anything more. I don’t really know how we managed to get to the room but I know Jiyong is already making me see fireworks tonight.


Author talk:

Well its done! My first GTOP ever! >_< I had just listen to song for the first time today and I felt like would be something I would want to say/sing to Jiyong. Since I can't, I want TOP to make it for me so I wrote it down ^~^
Hope it was nice to read and I liked to write this paring, maybe I will have to split my time with my two OTP's now xD
Thanks for coming and reading and if you can and feel like it leave a word telling me what you think ^~^

If you don't know the song

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gtop, oneshot, fanfic

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