Title: One in a million
Chapter: [7/?]
gabs_yuuya and
yamap_oukokuRating: PG-13 (still???? -_-“)
Pairing: Tegoshi Yuya / Yamashita Tomohisa, Tegoshi Yuya / Kwon Jiyong
Genre: AU, romance, fluff, angst
Disclaimer: We don't own the boys as you already know, but we can't help to dream about it ^^
Summary: Yamashita Tomohisa, aka Yamapi, is a well-known bachelor of Tokyo nights, but what makes him so well known? Well it's just the simple fact that no one ever managed to get a hold of this handsome and rich young man. The few ones that dared to say they managed to get into Yamashita`s bed, are just liars or never had a chance to make it happen a second time. The only thing he really want is to find his long missed one in a million.
[Chapter 01] [Chapter 02] [Chapter 03] [Chapter 04] [Chapter 05] [Chapter 06][Chapter 07](Update)