Damn you, Akateeminen!
I was anxious to get my paws on
The Virtu by Sarah Monette, since
Mélusine kicked so much butt (seriously, it's the first fantasy novel in a long, long time that's managed to hook me completely) but your website told me that you didn't have it in stock. I was then forced by my burning need to HAVE THE BOOK ALREADY OMG to order it from
The Book Depository to be delivered next week, but of course when I walked in today and gave your English-language fantasy shelf a cursory glance, there it was. Ahdakjhkjh! *almost bought it anyway*
No love from me, you lying, book hogging hoooors D:
P.S. *shakes fist*
In other news, I figured it'd be a good idea to try my hand at baking stuff with pumpkin today. Of course, I've never used pumpkin for anything before, so you might guess where this is going 8D My first attempt was a delicious pound cake, whose recipe I found in Yoshinaga Fumi's
Flower of Life, but that ended up looking like a particularly thoroughly murdered soufflé. My poor parents choked down some of it while assuring me that it was "delicious" :'D
The second recipe was for a yummy pumpkin pie
godwana made for us the last time we all met up for an evening of cards and good food. First of all, I had to double the dough to have enough, and then ended up spilling most of the yummy pumpkin/milk/eggs/syrup filling all over the floor, the oven door/floor and our kitchen table as there was too much of it D: The end result at least looks yummy (haven't tried it yet) if a little burnt around the edges.
*officially fails at life*
On the TV front, Heroes' second season has rocked a heck of a lot so far ♥ Sure, both of my OTPs got all scattered, but there's still the funny/obviously gay/sweet House of M and some possible femslash in the horizon (I mean, just look at
these pics >3). The pacing's been a little off, and I'm not particularly taken with some of the key plot points, but Heroes is still the best crack/angst ever ♥
Another TV series I've got on my "must watch" list is
Chuck. It's an incredibly slashy and funny mixture of nerds, espionage, humor and yummy people. The slash is totally in your face (Morgan leaping onto Chuck! Casey and Chuck sharing one bubble of personal space! Chuck and Captain Awesome's tango lesson with plenty of grabs, dips and shirtlessness!) In Captain Awesome's words: That's awesome!
This is Chuck. He's a bit of a nerdy loser who got kicked out of Stanford.
Chuck works as a computer geek at the nearest Buy More.
Chuck's sister, Ellie, and her boyfriend, Captain Awesome, are both doctors.
Morgan is Chuck's best friend of mumblemumble years and knows everything there is to know about Chuck. He's always hanging out at Chuck and his sister's house and calls Chuck's window the "Morgan door" :'D
The story begins with Chuck's birthday party. He's pretty adamant about not wanting to attend, as he doesn't know anyone there. Morgan's already halfway out the window in a desperate attempt to escape the festivities.
Chuck's sister is not impressed.
Anyway, Chuck's Stanford buddy (except not) is in a bit of a pinch while he's doing some secrect agent-y things. And no, he's not an accountant like Chuck thinks he is.
Right before he croaks, Chuck's SB sends him an email with all of the nation's secrets embedded into a crapload of images. Chuck of course opens the mail and ta dah ends up with the whole database downloaded into his brain.
This is Major John Casey. He's not very happy about the email.
And this is Sarah. She kicks a lot of ass, is pretty and fries a mean weiner. These two agents are sent after Chuck and end up hanging around him to protect him from baddies and to figure out how to get all the information out of Chucky boy's brain.
There's a lot of action!
And no agent series would be complete without...
...computer stealing ninjas!
"But Gabrielle!" you cry. "I'm just here for the slash!" Oh, my friend, there's a shitload of sweet, cute, hilarious and hot slash right here. Ohoho~!
Group hug! (which was pronounced "Awesome!" by Captain Awesome)
Such lovely touchies ♥
Casey really, really hates shoplifters D:
Poor Casey gets shot by a tranq dart.
Cheek smush! *wibbles*
No matter how much Casey might grump about having to protect Chuck, he's still obviously rattled when he pretty much gets orders to off Chuck the moment the NSA has a new databank up and running.
Chuck/Captain Awesome
I think this tango teaching scene was pretty much the most hilarious thing in the history of hilarious things :'D (it was also hot. yum!) [and yes, that's Chuck's sister in the background, grinning her face off]
*drags butt to do something halfway constructive*
P.S. My English is totally shitty nowadays, sorry about that. Must be the Chinese D:
P.P.S. LOL @ the first ever Swedish BL & Yaoi Con,
BLYG 07 *sekritly wants to go*