Fix the Fuck Out of Gabs' Computer Day

Oct 16, 2011 21:05

Yep. Today was the big day. Andrew came over and we* swapped out the hard drives, did up some partitions, and then - for good measure - installed the latest version of Ubuntu. This should, hopefully, fix my computer problems.

*throws confetti*

I'm in the midst of getting used to the new OS (I've been running off an Ubuntu live CD for the last week, but it's a little different now that I can make myself at home). And I gotta get Photoshop to start making pictures again. But my computer woes? Over.

Thank goodness. I was starting to feel like a computer hobo, forever keeping my essential files in a digital cloud since I had no stable home for them. That made things majorly awkward and inconvenient.

* By "we", I mean "he"

ot, gabs' oh-so-exciting life

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