Various and sundry in regards to fanfic (both the reading and the writing of it)

Oct 16, 2011 01:42

1. So all my fellow William fans have read Yours, William by Puddinhead, right? RIGHT? Cause that was the fanfic that ate my soul last night and had me staying up three hours later than I'd planned.

For serious. William + Buffy's bloomers = SEXIEST SCENE EVER!!!

I think I've developed a "servant!Buffy, master!William, time-travel, Buffy/William fic" kink. I blame unbridled_b. I blame her SO HARD.

Anyway, I have the sequel on my to-read list. I EXPECT IT'LL BE MAGICAL.

2. In the midst of trying to finish up my various WIPs, I inadvertently came up with a fic premise I wanted to write last night. Dammit, no new fics till I finish the ones I have! *shows restraint*

3. The Influence write is cruising along. I'm at that crucial point where I know what needs to be done, but I'm a little intimidated to figure out how to actually do it. I'm just writing through it and I'll make it all pretty on rewrite. *sigh*

In case you weren't aware of Operation Finish the Fuck Out of My Fics, I want to try to, well, finish up the WIPs I have. Influence of Demons first, cause that's the one I see asked about the most. Then the Willow/Cordy Closet series. Then Murphy's Law. After that, I can start on any one of the number of plot bunnies I keep coming up with.

I have a bad habit of not finishing projects. I'm trying to get better at that. *nods*

Anyway, the basic point here is: GO READ Yours, William GUYS IT'S SO AWESOME!

btvs, about fanfics, fic-writing, spuffy

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