Today wasn't a bad day...I've just been in a blah kind of mood all day long. I got up and went into work on my day off for my 4 hours of approved overtime. I didn't really get as much done as I wanted. 4 hours really flies! After that I went home and waited for Derek to show up. Once he did we headed back to Target so he could purchase his croquet set that we had on sale. Then we went to eat at CiCi's Pizza Place which has a bufffet for like $5, but it really wasn't all that good.
Derek left shortly after that and I went to Family Video and rented Music and Lyrics and Stranger then Fiction. My mom called me on my way home and said that she was on her way to Sfield w/ Debbie and MaryAnne and she invited me to go eat dinner w/ them at Bella Milano. So I did that and then came home and did nothing but watch tv. I got nothing accomplished today that I wanted to. I just got done watching Music and Lyrics. It was good, I just thought it would be funnier. It was cute, though and once again I got to see Hugh Grant w/ no shirt on, so you really can't beat that. ;-) I have to be at work at 7 and I'm exhausted. I really don't know why I've been forcing myself to stay up this late. I'm heading for bed right now.