I closed at work tonight. I went in with a bad attitude...just totally being pissed at the fact that I've been TLOD every shift since I can remember and how I haven't even spent anytime in my own dept. since God knows when. Everyone could tell I was a little off. I wasn't being mean, just not my "chipper" self. I ended up shrugging it off because I thought about how everyone is going through a tough time with this remodel and how it's hard on everyone and I should just stop being a jerk about it. My big boss, Dawn also told me how she's nominating me for Great Team Hero...it's this reward they give out monthly and she told me that she thinks I'm the most improved team lead so that helped perk up my night.
After work Dawn took Robin P. and me out to Buffalo Wild Wings and we had an interesting chat about men, religion and work. Dawn has invited me out to her house sometime in Peoria. She just says we have to keep it on the down-low because she doesn't invite many people out there. I really like her. She's a good boss. I've been pretty lucky in the department.
Tomorrow was supposed to be my day off, but Dawn offered me four hours of approved over time to just spend some time in my department since I kind of cried to her that I haven't been able to do anything lately. So I'm going in and working 7-11 in the morning which is perfect because Derek is going to come by at noon. I should seriously get to bed now. Overall, not a bad day....I'm pleased. :-)
Tonight's random pic is