Gabriel sat at his desk, pouring over the photographs and paperwork Eiko had given him. The house was a few miles east of the Shropshire Hills, and due south a half-mile from St. Albans. He could stand out in the garden and see the mountains separating England from Wales. It was beautiful country, and he remembered how much he'd missed home. It
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He clomps up from the cellar with a few of them in a basket and sighs. "Anyone for stew or should I just toss these to the Nexus again?" A pause. "Hey, nice photos."
"It was a gift."
"After I came back from the killer universe, she offered the place to me. It's on a mundane world, no Nexus whatsoever. I... Ali, I'm tired of being pulled every which way. I'm tired. I'm..." He makes an empty gesture with one hand. The scars from the glass are thin, white lines over his forehead and his cheekbones; they still haven't faded, and likely wouldn't for some time. A reminder of how lucky he was. Again.
"I'd like to give you the cottage, if you want it."
"I don't blame you." A pause and he grins a grin a four-year-old wouldn't believe, not completely succeeding in keeping the slight waver out of his tone. "A place of my own... wow. Thanks... I mean, seriously, thanks... I just..." He pushes a hand through his hair. "All my own."
"I assume you'll plow the garden over, aye?"
He looks at the photos again. "'S gonna be ... pretty quiet... without you guys."
Which is Alistair-ese for 'AWGAWD WHAT AM I GONNA DO ALONE?!?!?!?!'
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