Infrequent update

Sep 13, 2009 23:58

Oh dear, WoW has taken over my life a bit. Sorry I never update.

Things continue much as usual - another September means another lot of students above my head. This lot seem a little less noisy than the last, although they did have a big party last night. Saturday night isn't too bad though, all things considering.

This year I will not be going to Oxonmoot. I'm sorry to miss you all, but my orchestra has a concert on the 26th, so I can't make it. It's a 'last night of the proms' affair, and my friend and favourite amateur cellist is playing the solo in the Sea Songs. I wouldn't miss it for anything, not even Oxonmoot I'm afraid.

Work wise I need a new job. I'm looking at trying to learn VB 2005 but I'm struggling to find courses. What would web developer types out there suggest for someone who uses XHTML 1.0 trans and has coded in ASP Classic but has no knowledge of object oriented languages should do vis a vis making herself employable?

Are any of you WoW players? Do you have suggestions for a nervous prot warrior who's scared of running Heroics but really does want to tank? Turn off chat so I don't hear the 'tank needs to keep threat' comments from the DPS? My GM is sympathetic but I just hate imposing on four other people for my own practice needs.

Hope you're all keeping well. I will try to post a bit more often, really.
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