Jan 02, 2009 22:39
I think I might be getting sick, or at least flirting with some mild virus. I don't feel awful, but my back and head are achy and I keep coughing and sneezing. It had better not get worse or I'll be very cranky. :p
My last trip to Borders netted me a "$5 off your next $5 or greater purchase" coupon, so I went to redeem that today. I found a pattern a day knitting calendar at half off for $7.50, so with the coupon, I paid $2.50 (obviously). I made a list of patterns I wanted to try as I went through it, and wound up with about 70. I'd say that was a good deal. Jieh, did you realize you were going to turn me into an addict with that kit? :p
Haven't read Legacy yet (I know, I know), but I have it and will read it before bed. In the meantime, I'm flipping back and forth between LSATSOM and Stich N' Bitch.
If anyone's going to be up in the pre-dawn hours tonight (it's night until the sun rises, I don't care what the calendar says), the Quadrantid meteor shower generally gives a strong showing, and the moon isn't a factor this year. Should be good viewing. The radiant is in Boötes, to the northeast. So much for going to bed at a reasonable hour. :p