Title: Absolution - [one]
minus_four Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Gabe/William
POV: 3rd, present
Summary: When Gabe had made his stand on stage, looking to get those guys out of their show, he'd figured there was a chance he'd have to watch his back afterwards and he hadn't given a shit. What Gabe hadn't thought about, though, was the possibility of them going after someone else, instead.
Disclaimer: This didn't happen. It's fic; short for 'fictional'. Kay?
Warnings: Implied violence and homophobic attitudes/behaviour.
Author's notes: I caved. I am weak as hell. But never mind. This is an alternate take sort of thing on the events discussed in
this post.
the courtroom is in order. you bring the victim, and we choose the martyr)