Happy New Year

Dec 31, 2009 13:10

I kid you not, this is the 5th draft of what was supposed to be a one shot and will probably be another epicly long multi-chaptered fic.

A teaser for all of you of something to possibly arrive in 2010.  Happy New Year everyone!

Title: Switch
Pairings: many, but right now GaaraxNaruto
Rating: R for now
Warnings: Misuse of sexy no jutsu, implied narusasu, and general sexual deviance
Summary: Naruto's own jutsu backfires on him, with less than expected results

Switch- prologue?

Naruto swallowed a nervous giggle and leaned forward in a way that pressed his breasts together. He pucked up his lips in what he imagined was something sexy, something seductive that always worked on Jiraiya-sensei before.

The Kazekage stood immobile before him, arms crossed over his chest and back straight like something made of stone. His expression remained impassive, even as Naruto blew kisses with a smack of his lips audible over the giggles. He considered making a clone, or a few, recalling that not everyone was as easy to rile as the famed perverted sennin. He laughed uncomfortably when his flirting received no response.

Sliding his hands over his fake body, he sauntered clumsily toward the young leader. He draped his arms over the Kazekage's shoulders, careful to brush up against the firm body in a way that had made lesser men crumble. Gaara's eyes flicked up, meeting Naruto's gaze.

"Ne, Gaara-kun, won't you play with me?" he said throatily. Naruto tilted his head to expose the long slender neck. He brought his face close enough to kiss and swiped his tongue over his bottom lip. Gaara's eyes darted, following the small movement. He appeared disinterested even as Naruto pressed soft breasts against his chest. Naruto's mouth twitched with the effort of maintaining his smile. "Is that a no?" he pouted when his partner failed to respond. He wondered how long he could keep up the ruse, unaccustomed to his jutsu failing.

Naruto gasped when a hand cupped his breast, another sliding up his waist. Gaara's eyes fixed on his even as the hand wandered, fingers curling and pressing against the heavy globe. He traced the outer curve, sliding his hands under and over. His fingers spiraled around the pink circle slowly then gently flicked the taut bud at the center. "Is this what you expected?" a gravelly voice intoned. Naruto froze for a moment, slightly panicked when the Kazekage's mouth slowly quirked up in what Naruto was learning to interpret as an almost mischievous look. Naruto released the jutsu, grimacing while he crossed his arms over his masculine chest. Gaara lifted the same hand to cover a small chuckle.

"I am waiting to be defeated," he said, quirking one brow in a way that made Naruto's temper flare.

"Like it's so easy," Naruto complained. "You try it," he spouted angrily.

Gaara seemed to consider. He pressed one finger to his lip and nodded at Naruto. "The technique seems rudimentary at best. I see no reason why it cannot be duplicated." His fingers began forming a unfamiliar sequence and Naruto opened his mouth to protest, to take back his challenge when the air grew thick with chakra. The sand snaked over Gaara's skin, shifting and rising in soft hissing sounds until settling in an unfamiliar form. Sharp green eyes pierced the veil of dark lashes. Her eyes were large and luminous, alien almost as they stared at him from her pale face. She wore no makeup, and indeed needed none. Shocking red locks fell in soft waves framing the heart shaped face smooth as cream and just as pale. Her body seemed shaped, molded out of milk, her narrow shoulders huddled slightly and her arms crossed modestly over her above average breasts. A slender waist bloomed out into full hips and though she wasn't as buxom as Naruto's favorite form, he was not disappointed with the change in proportions. They were adequate for the task.

Naruto covered his face, pressing against his nose with his fingers. He tried not to scowl and reminded himself Konohamaru would laugh to see him react to something so basic.

"Hnn," a low feminine voice practically purred. "So this must be the reaction you spoke of." Naruto stepped back, startled when the female pressed long, slender fingers to his cheek. "This must be the desired result." A finger pressed gently against the tip of his nose, careful to avoid the blood. A rather pointed way of singling out the rather obvious effect the illusion had on him.

A soft body pressed against him and Naruto gulped. He placed two hands on the fictional woman's shoulders and pushed her away gently.

"Okay, okay, you won this one," he said begrudgingly. "You can change back now."

The woman's gaze slipped first to his hand resting on her shoulder before her head tilted, her pointed chin sharper with the change in angle; more delicate somehow. Her gaze slipped below Naruto's waist and Naruto looked down as well and wondered what she was looking at.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

A full red mouth curved just as Gaara stepped in close enough for Naruto to feel his, rather her, breath. Gaara was shorter than him by two, maybe three inches and the illusion rendered him even smaller, almost fragile and yet the taller shinobi felt completely trapped.

Naruto pushed a little more insistent against Gaara's shoulders. "Oi, I think you proved your point," he said gruffly.

"A question does not answer another question," a husky voice whispered in his ear. Gaara's hands pressed against his chest, his legs tangling with Naruto's in a slow backwards dance. The hands slid down his ribs and around his waist, holding their bodies closer than Naruto preferred.

"That doesn't even make sense," Naruto said, trying to mask how flustered he really felt. "What question? You won, okay!" He tried to squeeze his arms between them, tried to create some distance only to push his back against the wall. Gaara smirked and Naruto felt it as a puff of hot air against his ear. A pair of lips brushed his ear softly. Naruto's head turned, baring his neck against the wash of hot breath sending tingles down his spine.

"Your body seems to disagree." Gaara paused and tilted his head. He looked at Naruto appraisingly, slid one leg forward and pressed his knee between Naruto's thighs. He appeared calm, amused even, one look daring Naruto to push him away. He placed his hand flat against the wall, his arm brushing Naruto's ear and leaned close enough to kiss. The air simmered with the release of chakra, the fog lifting slowly between them. The image distorted, settling into a softer, yet feminine look. Only his eyes remained the same, the shocking shade of teal in what was otherwise Sakura's face. Naruto's chest rose.

"Is this what you want?" Gaara asked, his fingers slid beneath the hem of Naruto's pants and did not slow their trajectory down. Naruto's belly tightened and his head thudded against the wall. The smaller body drew near, soft breasts pressed against him while Sakura's nose nuzzled the hair just below Naruto's ear. "Stop it," Naruto turned away and tried to steady the trembling in his knees. He shut his eyes and grit his teeth, pressing his fingers to Gaara's hand lightly.

"You're avoiding the question," Sakura's voice purred in his ear. Both hands shifted to the clasp of the shinobi's pants, fingers slowly tugging the zipper down. Naruto clenched his eyes and wished he could hide the heat burning in his cheeks. The illusion of Sakura leaned back, lowered herself to her knees and pressed a kiss to Naruto's belly. Once again the sand shifted. Naruto gasped as green eyes stared up at him from Sasuke's face. "Or maybe this is what you want," a male voice suggested.

"That's not funny!" he yelled, shoving the image of Sasuke away.

Gaara slid back into his own shape. He rose from the floor slowly, drew himself near and leaned in close enough for Naruto to make out the flecks of silver in his eyes.

"Some of us do not delight in parodies of female beauty. You have answered this for me, but the question remains. Why have you not answered this for yourself?" Gaara pushed away and just like that, Naruto was once again freed. He let out a shuddering breath, clutching his chest with relief. Gaara picked up his few belongings and walked quietly toward the door. His hand paused on the doorknob.

"You must answer this before you can have any hopes of defeating me." He glanced over his shoulder, green eyes crinkled with a hint of amusement. "I'll be waiting," he said and quietly exited the room.

fanwork: fanfiction

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