
Dec 30, 2009 00:39

Title: Restrain Me
Rating: NC-17 (not for the kiddies)
Summary: A short ficlet that is pure, unadulterated smut. ^__^

Author’s Notes: Sorry peeps. I know I haven’t written or drawn any NaruGaa in a long, long time, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t still love them. I have had the most intense writing block ever, and trying to get back in the swing of things with any writing has been nearly impossible. I hope that you enjoy this short piece. I’m trying my best to contribute to my OTP.

Naruto drew in a long, shaky breath before splaying his fingers across the bare chest of the Kazekage. His fingertips fluttered just above the taught expanse of lithe muscle. Swallowing hard, Naruto tried not to groan embarrassingly as he brushed the pads of his fingers over a dusky, erect nipple. Gaara bit his lip and held back whatever sound threatened to escape. Desperate to hear or feel anything from that perfect, smooth baritone voice of the Kazekage, Naruto decided to nuzzle into the hollow of Gaara’s throat and wetly mouth the tendon of the other man’s neck.

Gaara stubbornly kept himself absolutely silent and writhed away from the tantalizing tongue of his friend. Instead, he bucked his hips up and rubbed his arousal slowly, deliciously against his partner until Naruto couldn’t see straight, think straight, be straight. It was insanity, that blatant wanton desire as Gaara worked his body so fluidly against Naruto. Hesitantly Naruto pushed his body down and thrust against Gaara’s crotch until they worked out a decent rhythm. Their movement was tortuously deliberate and only served to heighten the already desperate need between them.

Less than a minute of this and Naruto finally slipped and moaned quietly. It caused Gaara to break his rhythm and shudder slightly against the body atop him. Gaara didn’t admit it aloud, but he loved Naruto’s ragged breath washing over the wettened skin of his neck, and he enjoyed the other male’s weight pressing fully against him. The redhead reached up and dug his fingers into the exposed skin of Naruto’s collarbone and shoulders. All he could think about is how he wanted more-to touch more, taste more, feel more. Naruto was driving him insane without a single word shared between them.

Neither of them really wanted to acknowledge this strange arrangement they had fallen into. This wasn’t the first time it had happened between them, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. Admittance of this strange new aspect of their relationship seemed almost blasphemous, so they never spoke of it, but they always ended in the same situation over and over again-wrapped up in each other, half-naked and trying their damnedest not to be submissive toward the other. They didn’t outright battle for dominance, but they both aggressively did everything they could to assert themselves.

Naruto’s fingers began roaming again. This time they skidded over the sweat-slicked, tight abdominal muscles of the Kazekage. Gaara growled low in his throat and reached for the hem of Naruto’s shirt. Two could play at this game, he thought, as he pushed the fabric up the blond’s long, lean torso. Then, after urging Naruto to remove the offensive article of clothing, Gaara’s fingers traced up and down Naruto’s sides, stopping on each downward pass to run roughly over the hard, jutting hipbones of the other man. He even went as far as to grasp his partner’s beltloops as he tried to draw the loose standard issue jounin bottoms off of his friend.

Naruto pushed his hips down again and crushed his arousal against Gaara’s. It kept his pants on, much to the Kazekage’s chagrin, but still, neither of them said anything aloud. The only communication between one another was their bodies working against each other. Naruto’s hands wound slowly around Gaara until he could cup the redhead’s taut backside roughly in his fingers. He kneaded and pulled the muscles and controlled the pace of their grinding. He even went as far as to shove one hand down the back of Gaara’s pants as he rubbed a single finger teasingly around Gaara’s puckered hole until Gaara latched his mouth onto Naruto’s nipple and bit down hard. It was a warning, and one Naruto heeded as he pulled his fingers away from the entrance with a nervous chuckle.

When it was clear Naruto’s hands would behave themselves, Gaara finally released Naruto’s abused nipple. Now Naruto chose to let his hand slyly slip into the front of Gaara’s underwear and fished out the hard, flushed arousal that had been trapped between them. A few good pumps of Gaara’s cock had the Kazekage arching up against him, and finally, finally Gaara allowed the smallest of moans to escape his lips.

Naruto couldn’t control himself. It was always positively forbidden to speak during any of their encounters, but Naruto was never one for following the rules. His tongue drew a long, wet line up Gaara’s neck until his lips were pressed against his friend’s ear and he said in a husky, breathless voice, “I want to fuck you so bad,” as he ran his thumb over the leaking slit of the Kazekage’s cock.

Gaara allowed himself a quiet, amused laugh before he whispered back, “I think not.” To make his point clear he raked his nails across the soft skin of Naruto’s belly before grappling with and undoing the front of Naruto’s pants. When he finally had the prized cock grasp firmly in his fingers, Gaara gave Naruto the slightest of smirks before jerking the sensitive flesh roughly until Naruto’s body trembled. This clearly said, do not talk, do not order me, just do what we always do and we won’t have issues.

Naruto finally came back to his senses, shaking and trying hard to hold back. He swatted Gaara’s hand away and chose to pull his own arousal flush against Gaara’s and pumped them together firmly. It was slick and wet and wonderfully satisfying. Electricity buzzed between them as Gaara’s cock began leaking profusely before the Kazekage’s body drew taut and cum pulsed out hard and fast into Naruto’s hand. Naruto allowed a needy moan and quickly followed with his own pleasure. He gave Gaara a cocky smirk as he smeared the sticky opaque liquid over Gaara’s belly with his fingers. The other man was too worn out from his own orgasm to argue. Naruto was even able to swindle a kiss before he was pushed away and reprimanded with a stony glare from the Kazekage.

When they were both cleaned up and decent again, Gaara thanked his friend and told him that he looked forward to next month’s scheduled diplomatic meeting. Naruto nodded and thanked the Kazekage for his hospitality. It was always the same whenever they saw each other. They never spoke of what they did once it was over. They just continued as if they were merely allies and friends, until the next time their self-restraint broke. And it always did.

fanwork: fanfiction

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