
Mar 19, 2007 20:17

Title: Mistake?
Author: Mactilda
Rating: PG (strong language)


Summary: Takes place after 3.18 Scars and souvenirs and is inspired by the promo pictures for "My favorite mistake".
Callie the day after.

This is my first fanfic ever. Please be nice and note that English isn't my first language. :)

Her dad had called. He hadn’t. George hadn’t called so she had called him only to directly be connected to his voicemail. So she had texted him - twice. “I love you” and then a few hours later “I’m sorry, I love you. Please call me” but he hadn’t. She had spent the entire night thinking of all things she could have done differently. She knew she wasn’t a saint. She tends to overreact and underestimate the importance of communication…

Callie was going to have breakfast with her father that had flown in last night. His lawyers had figured out that she was married so he was no doubt going to tell her how stupid she was. The usual drill.


Callie had put on her pearls. She almost never wore them, the last time was at Georges dads funeral. It just wasn’t her but she knew her father liked them so anything to go easier on her. She checked her phone again but nothing.

“-Callie!” Her father entered the lobby at the same time as her and she was relieved that he hadn’t been waiting.
“-Dad..” He hugged her and she could feel a knot in her chest tighten. She had been his little girl that couldn’t do anything wrong, but when she started to refuse going to debutante balls he had been disappointed, and since then it seemed to her like she could do nothing but.

They were showed to a table.
“-So Callie, where do you keep that husband of yours?”
“- He’s working” she answered looking at her fingers hoping that her dad wouldn’t realise that she was lying.
“-Did you at least sign a premarital settlement of some sort?”
Hold on here it comes Callie thought.
“- No, we didn’t.”
“-Are you crazy? Haven’t my divorces taught you anything?”
Callie didn’t answer, she knew it could go either way, he could calm down or he could be even angrier. She didn’t look him in the eyes; she looked at his hands hoping that everything would be alright.


Two hours. For two hours she had been listening to what a big mistake she had done. She had fled using the hospital as an excuse. She wasn’t working today but when she had started to drive she knew she would find George at the hospital and therefore she couldn’t NOT go.

When she got out of the car she was shaking. She felt nauseous and weak. She needed to see him, but at the same time she was extremely nervous for what would come, as if what had happened between them was impossible to fix. She hoped not.  She would do anything for him.
As she entered the first person she recognized was Izzy Stevens and suddenly she wasn’t so sure anymore. She didn’t look anything like her. They had the same height - that’s about it. Had George settled for her, while he was aiming for someone else? She had never thought that until last night. She hated how he made her so insecure. She walked down a corridor and into her locker-room and put on her coat , no one would recognise her with all her “father-accessories” . When she stepped out George AND Izzy were waiting for her.
“-George…I’m sorry…I…”
“-Sch…. We need to talk”
He didn’t look at her. Why didn’t he look at her? He opened the nearest door which was to the ladies restrooms. Izzy followed them and Callie wanted to say something about that but couldn’t. He looked under the stalls to see if they where empty, and when he could see that they were he turned to her.
“- We did something stupid”
Callie looked from George to Izzy and back. What the hell was going on?
“- We got drunk, really drunk and neither of us can remember what happened”
“-and? I feel like there’s an and George….”she raised her voice.
Izzy didn’t say anything she just stood there.
The George said so fast that it almost sounded like one word:
“-we woke up naked in the same bed.”
“- WHAT!!??!?! You slept together?!!?”
“-Callie…” Izzy tried.
“-You just shut up. And YOU!” She looked at George. “You Cheated on me!!! And not only did you cheat on me you cheated on me with the reason to the whole argument!!! Unbelivable!” Callie could feel the anger pulsating inside her”
“-Cal, please” George tried.
“-I’ve just spent two long hours defending our marriage and my love for you to my father and now this….at least you two agree on something; that I am too big and that our marriage is a mistake. Well get this: I don’t! or at least didn’t.” George looked at her but she wouldn’t look at him. “ You just talk to his lawyers, you could probably get an annulment due to my insanity, cause I’m clearly crazy loving you”
She took a deep breath and it all started to sink in… it was ending….. it couldn’t…but it was…the anger was leaving and instead came despair.
“-Callie, I’ve never said that.”
She looked at him. Oh how it hurt.
“-Callie I love you”.
“-I can’t talk to you now. Out.”
“- I need to be alone.”
Izzy opened the door and waited for George to realise he couldn’t stay. He looked at his wife, she was so hurt and it was he that had done that. How could he have done that?
Callie looked at him. He cried. He actually cried, but he had cheated on her with HER.
“-I love you Cal.” He said before closing the door.

character: george, character: callie, author: mactilda

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