Sexcapades from the Model and the Adulterous Whore

Mar 19, 2007 12:01

Okay they might be my new otp.  I'm loving Izzie/Addison, so much so, that I've created another story when I have yet to finish any of my others.  I know I'm horrible and I'm going to heck blah blah blah.

Title: Sexcapades from the Model and the Adulterous Whore
Pairing: (you know) Izzie/Addison
Wordcount: 758

Disclaimer: I don't own 'em.

Okay, this is my least favorite chapter of the three I've written, but give it a chance. :P

Chapter One

Izzie Stevens hated Valentines Day.  More importantly, she hated spending Valentines Day alone, which despite her attempts at finding someone, she was.  Meredith had ‘McDreamy’, George had his wife, Cristina had Burke, and Alex had … well Alex had the most recently hired nurse pining after him.

She wanted someone, needed someone, but more than that she wanted someone who reciprocated her feelings.  Denny made her feel all those things, and then he was taken away from her, or rather she took him away from herself, Izzie was still a little sketchy on the details.  Her therapist had told her to rehearse the lines of ‘it wasn’t my fault’ over and over until she had herself convinced that it wasn’t.  No amount of persuading could fully make an impact on what she knew to be true, and that was was that she killed her fiancé.  Her neurotic impulse at finding him a new heart resulted in his death.  It was plain and simple, although it wasn’t at the same time.  She wanted someone, anyone at that moment in her life, to simply tell her that everything would work out in the end.

And it was when she saw her best friend making out with none other than Callie Torres, did she feel the need to get some air.  She collected herself in public before running into one of the vacant on-call rooms.

She felt like she was losing her best friend.  Scratch that, she knew she was losing her best friend.  Every day he remained close to Callie was one day she lost with him, and soon she would lose him forever.

It would be different if she were in a relationship herself.

Wouldn’t it?

It wasn’t until she saw someone stir in one of the beds did she realize that the empty room she ran into, wasn’t all that empty.  She watched as the sleeping form pushed herself up and through squinted eyes, peered back at her.  “Stevens?”  Izzie recognized the tired voice as Addison’s.

“I’m sorry Dr. Montgomery, I just … I needed some air.”   While explaining, she tried to push back the fact that most of Addison’s perfect hair was now going in every direction, and she had to force herself to hide the smile that was dangerously playing on edge of her lips.

“And you chose a secluded room to do so?” She asked, her voice carrying a hint of amusement as she pushed herself upright so that she was in a sitting position.

“Yeah, I guess.” Izzie said, laughing a little at the irony that had been pointed out.

“It’s alright.  I myself sometimes find comfort in an empty room.”  She said in a low whisper.

Afterwards the two had nothing left to say, leaving the room feeling awkwardly silent, that is, until Addison took it upon herself to break it by saying, “This holiday sucks, doesn’t it?”  Her tone carried a sense of sadness to it; one Izzie was quite familiar with.

She thought for a moment, before taking in a deep breath and answering.  “Yeah, it really does.”  She agreed with a small nod, and then out of nowhere said, “You know it would be different if-” But stopped herself from continuing.  She was used to presenting cases to Dr. Montgomery, not confiding in her as if she were Meredith, George and on rare occasions, Cristina.

“You had someone?” Addison finished for her and Izzie then understood, as she looked into her sullen eyes, that she empathized with her.  She herself was alone after all.

Izzie nodded slowly as she bit the inside of her cheek, thinking that somehow she felt a little closer to the woman sitting before her.  She had been leaning against the door for the better half of the conversation and suddenly she felt the need to sit down, next to her.

“I can understand that.  I mean look at me, I get to watch my ex-husband lust after his skanky intern all day …” She stopped, and with a small sigh said, “I’m sorry.  I know she’s your friend.”

“No it’s alright,” Izzie assured her with a small grin, “she is pretty skanky.” Addison laughed and suddenly, the room wasn’t as awkward anymore.  Izzie then joined Addison on the bed and her eyes suddenly drifted to what was in front of her, although it was nothing in particular.  “I miss him.” She said softly, Addison nodded and replied, “I miss him too.”  And in that moment, the two don’t feel all that alone anymore.

author: leash_y, shipper: addison/izzie

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